On my vacation...
by John_of_Fire on Comments
Actually right before I left I ended up buying a PSP, Ridge Racer (PSP), Skate or Die, UN Squadron and a plug and play with Intellivision games. Skate or Die I have been meaning to pick up again for some time. UN Squadron I used to hate but I figured I would now like. I played it for a few hours the other night. I for some reason really like shooters; I haven't been a big fan in the past. The Intellivision plug and play made me sad. The games were adapted from the originals. They removed the music and made the games easier. They also changed some major details about some of the games and removed some modes. I have yet to play the PSP but I should get around to it soon. I got sick as soon as I got into town and have had to work all weekend. Hope everyone else is well. Happy gaming. Dracula X PSP here I come.