So the 12 games a year plan is out the window.
by John_of_Fire on Comments
It was a great idea but I just blew it. Besides picking up Gunstar Super Hero's, Chu Chu Rocket GBA, Lost Planet CE, River City Ransom EX, Metal Slug 3 XBox, I also picked up Armed and Dangerous, Guardians Advanced, Sonic Battle, Mario Soccer Slam, Mega Man Power Up and RE4 GC. I also am waiting on Radio Allergy coming out soon. (If you like shooters check it out, if you haven't imported it already.) So that would make 12 right there and we are just in the fifth month. I had been hoping to sell two of my recent acquisitions bringing me back to seven, but I put the final nail in the coffin by purchasing two more games. I was also looking at Predator, Capcom Collection 1, Capcom Collection 2, and Red Faction 2 for the XBox today as well as the fact I may pick of KOF Maximum Impact for Xbox this week as well. . The prices of games are just so low right now and I doubt they will go much lower. Anyways happy shopping. The prices are right and most games can still be found. Good luck.