When was the last good system launch???
by John_of_Fire on Comments
When was the last good system launch??? Has there ever been one? I can’t remember one and I have 24 systems. Launches used to happen earlier in the year (September) so there were more systems available by Christmas. So lets break it down by system. XBox 360- shortages, no system seller PSP- only sequels of old games, no system seller DS- no system seller, no games GC- hard to find, no games (only Mario) XBox- shortages, bombed in Japan GBA- dark screen, hard to find (best launch on the list and it’s a handheld) PS2- shortages, no good games, 25% defective rate (I sold them. I counted) Dreamcast- shortages at launch, memory card shortages, already in shadow of PS2 N64- hard to find, no games (only Mario) PS1- hard to find, shortage of memory cards Saturn- $400, no games, hard to find SNES- shortages, few launch titles, cartridge shortages Genesis- controller shortage Everything before this I was too young to remember. Searching for the system wasn’t my job. Mind you this is a summary. Yes some systems did have games near launch but were they worth while, memorable, or just plain any good. We now get more launch titles then ever before. But you don’t get a game in the box and it’s not made by Myomoto. This is probably the biggest difference: memories of going home with a new system and playing a great game, something really new that showed off why the new system was so great, right from the start. PS2 had to wait six months for GT3 and nine for GTA 3 but the DVD player is what sold it. I still do not own a stand alone DVD player. I believe people think that at one time there was a golden launch with 4 perfect launch titles, systems in stock for everyone, and they all worked. Sorry to burst the bubble, I even remember game chip shortages. We don’t have those anymore thanks to CDs. If anyone can think of a great launch post and let me know but I can’t recall a launch without a shortage of something, Any ways please stop ripping on 360’s launch, PS2’s sucked worse at their launch and PS3’s isn’t looking good and I am OK with that. But please, for the love, before you hate on how so and so’s launch sucked find me one in Ten years that didn’t. PS: SNES may have had the best launch. Out in late August, you had 4 months to get one before xmas, Super Mario World as a pack in with two controllers. F-Zero, Pilotwings, and Populous were innovative launch titles that you couldn’t conceive doing a generation before. It had a brand new controller that added 4 buttons. The system boasted music that sounded like real instruments and so many more colors than had been seen before at once. This was a great launch to those who experienced it. But people complained of not having enough systems and not enough games at launch and that Genesis was better. People seem to dream up what they expect a launch to be and when it doesn’t happen they flame it.