Hey everyone.
I've talked to microsoft, sympatico (my ISP) and other forums but nobody can fix my goddamn problem
I am using the Xbox 360 wireless adapter. Its in my brand new elite, and the wireless adapter is also brand new, and itworks..but its messed
i will be in mid-game in halo and out of nowhere my connection goes from FULL GREEN (b est connection) to RED (worst) and i get taken to the black screen w/ the player list for a while then i go back in
(by this list, I mean like when you die, and it goes black, shows the players and you respawn..like that but i dont die)
or, I will be playing, die, and it will say "respawning in 5" and stay there for like2 minutes then respawn me
I know at some points if somethings wrong, everyone will get that screen @ the same time , but nobodydoes except me.
I'm using a speedstream 6300 wireless Gateway.
Im guessing it just drops my connection. but i can't fix it. here's what every place I have been to has told me:
Forward your Ports
so, I tried.
Forwarded 3074 (TCP) - good
forwarded 88 (TCP) - good
Forwarded 3074 (UDP) - BAD. It gives me this error message
"One or more of the requested ports is already allocated for system use."
So, I called MS, again..and waited forever to talk to some guy who didn't know how to fix it. I suggested that maybe I should buy a standard modem, and then a seperate router, and maybe it will stop. he said "wait 2 days, and see if it stops..since live is kinda messed up right now."
so i waited a week, and its still happening..sometimes it wont drop at all for a few games, then drop once in the next..and sometimes it will drop 10 times.
I calle dback and she has no solution for me. I told her about my suggestion for buying a new modem and a new router, and she said no that won't help much.. and told me to use a wired connection and it would work better, and she had no more suggestions, so I said
"so, you charge me F***ing $100 to buy your god damn Wireless adapter and now u tell me to f***ing use a wired connection? you guys are challenged"...and i hung up
called Sympatico, and they said "I'm sorry, we do not help with issues like that. it is best that you call Microsoft about it"
so, it's been since christmas day that it's been doing this. i've been having a bulls**t connection and I can't do anything about it, and they wont help me either.
Disabled my windows firewall / sympatico firewall and it still happens. I also even upgraded my internet for this. My mom upgraded it to get a deal, in which I got a 360 elite, Xbox live (13 month) and halo 3, and it was cheaper and my mom got to pay it monthly.
If they make me upgrade my internet for it, they should make it good enough to support xbox live!
Here's my speedtest.net results in case you wanted them. Im not sure how good they are but I'm guessing it's average.
**taken from a wireless PC**
In case it effects it, I am running windows live messenger 9 beta (leaked :D) and FIrefox (using only to post this)..but my mom is using her computer downloading stuff using utorrent..,she is the main conputer. she is probably also doing other things but i know she is downloading stuff
PS: would it be that when my mom is using her computer, and I am using live, that it slows down because of her being online aswell?
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