The 360 version doesn't have better shadows at all....Idk what this guy is talking about. PC version is clearly the best. PS3 isn't too far behind. The 360 one looks fairly horrid.
This is a terrible article... How can dark landscapes be compared to bright ones? Or ones with expansive backgrounds with ones with just buildings to look at?
I really wish. They would have just. Spent like, 4 years developing Modern Warfare 2. Skipped WaW. And Not released Black Ops yet because Modern Warfare 2 would have just come out. Because then, we might see some actual change in the game. Or another scenario, stopped at Modern Warfare. When the franchise was in its prime.
Transorm your ps3 into a wii with better graphics, better games, and better motion sensing control for 100 bucks? Not to bad when you look at it that way.
I'm going to disagree wit the mojority of people here and go out on a limb and say I like 3D in gaming. Why? 1. It has the potential to make 3D TV's more widespread reducing prices drastically. 2. It makes visuals more impressive. 3. It is the first step to the dream we all had when we were children. VR. REAL VR. 4. It can make horror games and thrillers much. much. much. more intense. Dead Space was scary the first time through when I played it alone. At midnight. In my room. With the lights off. Imagine it in 3D. Spooky. That's why I like it. Here is why I dislike it. 1. Expensive. 2. I don;t want to look like a bigger dork when I play games. Now I have to wear those foolish glasses...great. 3. How do I get the glasses on, while wearing a headset while playing killzone. Aghhh. 4. The glasses. 5. We've all had the experience where a 3D movie gives us a headache. I binge game. I don't think my head will be able to handle 12 hours of staring at a 3D screen. 6. It won;t make sense in SOOOO many games. 7. It will distract Dev's from putting REAL content in the game and put in as many gimmicky 3D poles sticking out as they can. 8. It probably won't work. So yeah. That's my take. If it works, great. I'll buy into it. But I'm not gunna go rush out and jump into it right away.
The shield is kind of contradicting of the statement about Kratos never taking a step back because he is so agressive. Sheilds are defensive, there is a defensive mode. Not that I don't like it, it shows that he is using intelligence in fighting besides just swinging something at whatever he sees. I just can't stand contradictions like that.
JohnisGodd's comments