JohnnyFox / Member

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Where have I been?

Well, after my website went under I created a Blogger blog and that's where all the cool kids are not going these days.

Very recently I have played PS3 online, and I've bought dozens new games since the last post.

I've still been recording walkthroughs on YouTube, but in the past weeks I have taken a break and been trophy hunting (by the way, anybody up for GTA IV Hangman's NOOSE grinds?).

I have also switched to using GameFaqs more often, as what I usually need most from GameSpot/GameFaqs these days are faqs and trophy info and GameFaqs loads much faster. GameFaqs also keeps me signed in longer for those urgent needs for quick info gatherings.

That's about it, since this is not where I blog these days. Just thought I'd inform you where I am.
I'll try to perhaps write reviews here, update my game collection and such every now and then.

If anyone wants the Unions I've been a leader of the past years, just ask me.