One of my favorite shows of the last 4 years is now coming to a close. In a way, I'm partly happy because in the summer of 2003 when the show debuted, it was said to be nothing but than a summer filler that will go away in time. Little did FOX realize that this show gained a cult following that wouldn't be denied, and an acceptance that couldn't be ignored. So, we got even more episodes, a great prime-time slot, and O.C moments that no fan will ever forget.
So now we bid it goodbye, but it'll never be forgotten. The stake in the coffin was the common fan's reluctance to accept the death of Marissa. I, for one, was fine with it as it allowed Taylor to step into the spotlight (and I adore her, alot more than Marissa) but with that, and not to mention the best time slot (but also the worst going up against powerhouses like Grey's Anatomy, and CSI) all but sealed it's fate. I was anticipating this for some time, and at the most I was hoping for a full 24-episode season to close it out, but I'll be content with the 15-16 they are given. At least FOX is generous enough to allow them to tell their story and end it, O.C-style. Bye, Gang. It has been real.
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