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Apple has a new 24-inch screen iMac - and it is faster too!

Apple made an interesting announcement about their iMac line last week. The line is known for having relatively low prices and big, beautiful screens. Plus, it is pretty fast as far as the Macs of 2004, for instance, go. Here is what Apple did. 1. Slash the prices of the iMacs; the cheapest one is only $999 now. 2. Offer a bigger screen model - instead of 20-inches, this one has 24. 3. Drop the single core CPUs; all iMacs have dual core Intel CPUs now. 4. Speed up the CPUs. The new 24 inch model now goes over 2 GHz. So, there you have it. And why is a bigger screen announcement a few days ago interesting? Because, if rumors are correct, on September 12 Apple might announce it is going to start selling feature length films at the iTunes store. It sounds like terrific synergy. I just read a review of the new Amazon Unbox store by someone who tried it. They had lots of problems and they had suspicions about the behavior of the software as well. I am steering clear of that one.