Israel continues to search for its kidnapped soldier in Gaza, while the other hostage has been found - murdered.
UPDATE: A Blog For All reports Palestinian terrorist solution to the invasion is to shoot more rockets at Israel and kidnap more Israelis from Israel. Considering that is how they converted a cease-fire into a a terrorist-vs-military battle and got their country - well, probably not really theirs anyway if Iraq is any example of how the Terrorists Without Borders game is played - invaded, that is probably not the best way to end hostilities. Or in this case, the response to their hostilities. SEARCH LATEST VIDEO FEEDS: There are Gaza videos in There is also some Gaza video in Yahoo and Gaza video in Google SEARCH LATEST BLOGS: You can monitor blogs tagged Gaza in Technoratie for on-going reports/discussions of what is going on in/with Gaza right now. SEARCH LATEST NEWS ARTICLES: Google news stories on Gaza Yahoo news stories on Gaza Yahoo news stories on Middle East Conflict REFERENCE: Gaza in Wikipedia Israel in Wikipedia list of terrorist organizations Hamas Syria lengthy list of terrorist attacks in past few weeks Koran at Wikipedia indication that Hamas' attacks during peace treaty with Israel violated Qur'an instruction to obey peace treaties 3 pages of search results on 'murder' at Qur'an website
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