I can see a big problem looming and it is not because I am either brilliant nor paranoid, just observant and thoughtful about ionterrelected facts.
Here are some doozies.
- mobile code (Flash, JavaScript, and Java) is being syndicted even more fervently than web ads
- tainted web ads have were positioned all over the web even on legit sites last year
- problem is "too much trust"
- same companies syndicating this mobile code are the companies who were accepting Windows-virus infected ads last year
- nobody is publicly moderating these tendrils
- if live.com, msn.com, facebook - or one of a half dozen or so other mobie code/content sites getes hacked - the social web is going to infect a really huge user base
- if there is an "architect" for syndicated content on the web who does risk management and general security oversight of social media sites, I sure do not know his name or what agency or non-profit he works for
- browesrs are getting "overpowered" by malware hacks o varying degrees; IE, clearly has no limits to what can go wrong
- once a browser gets infected: game accounts get stolen, money in bank accounts vanishees, corporate & private data makes a quick getaway
My opinion is this is probably going horribly awry or will soon. The viruses spread by web ads was easy to see coming a year ahead of time. This syndicateed moobile coode on social web sites is looking like a time bomb comparable to ActiveX and some other "you have got to be kidding" technologies.
If you are running your computer and browser as-is, instead of having major white list driven constraint addons in it - I think you are asking for trouble and it will arrive. Do not trust your web browsre and do not trust the web.
The downside is that a fair amount of social web sites will not run if these sites are blocked. I think I am giong to back away from using social web sites much until the whole thing breaks down and someone finally comes along and builds them right.
I should not have to trust 10 companies, some of which I do not trust, just to use a web page from some completely different company that I trust a lot more than them.