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I have a brand new blog about movies

This afternoon I created a new blog about movies and movie-watching entitled John On Movies. There are a lot of useful informational resources and a couple that link to the obvious shopping sites (iTunes, Unbox) and rental (Netflix) sites. The latter are just as a convenience, not to drive people to buy there. Those sites have movie reviews on them - that is the reason I included them. These days the line between movie watching and TV watching is getting blurred. Anyone with a computer and a TV set can watch their DVD movies on either one. They can download TV shows and watch them on their Apple Mac or Wintel PC. Television has become more and more of an abstraction for the past year or so. It used to be a delivery mechanism for broadcast-over-the-airwaves shows (and commercials). Then came made-for-TV-movies. Then came cable. Then came satellite. Then came VCRs. Then came DVDs. Then came movies-on-demand. Then came Google Video, iTunes TV and Movie downloads, and so on. We are in the middle of an entertainment revolution where the medium is now - just a medium. Anyway, this weekend I figured it was time to start a new weblog. Let me know if you like.