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John McCain campaign paid for ad saying Barrack Obama is just like Paris Hilton

I just heard about the ad - the John McCain ad irritates many in Hollywood - last night.

One is hard pressed to find even a couple similarities between Barack Obma and Paris Hilton.

Lets compare the two:

  1. One grew up the son of a midwestern academian of modest means with a passion for understanding other cultures. The other grew the granddaughter of a billionaire who wrote her out of his will due to her passion for partying culture.
  2. One taught law in a US university for a decade. The other spent weeks in jail for drinking & driving after half a decade of being in the public eye foor wild partying.
  3. One spent hiis youth in projects to help the public. The other spends her youth vying for the attention of the public and promised to do something to help people after she was released from jail.
  4. One has middle-income background just like most Americans. The other is an offspring of the family that created the Hilton hotel chain empire.
  5. One traveled recently to Europe to speak to throngs of hundreds of thousands of people. The other frequently went to Europe to get intoxicated.
John McCain, they are not the same. If you cannot figure that out, then how are you going to figure out solutions to the difficult problems our country faces?