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Kyle XY

The new Kyle XY series sounds like it will be pretty good. I missed its debut on ABC broadcast channel Monday but I am going to try and see it next Monday or whenever it airs again. Anyone seen it before? How did you like it? I lucked out because the series premiere episode is a free download from iTunes right now. So even though I missed it, I still get to see it and it won't cost me anything - this time. The next episode airs Friday night, day after tomorrow, that is. Today iTunes is giving away not one but 2 free songs, so stopping by there was definitely worth the trouble. By the way, this episode of the show has 590 reviews. I am not sure, but I think that is an usually high number of reviews. If so, that is a good sign for the show. Some of the reviews complained about all the adult activities an underage male was performing, so hopefully the character is not too out of control the rest of the season. The reviews I saw that were not panning it on moral grounds were positive about the show. Even one person who was not thrilled with the "antics" still liked the show. The ratings I saw were all 1 and 5 star ratings - none in between. The show is carrying a 4 star rating on iTunes. That right there tells you by far most people liked it.