I looked at the mailbox that holds the recent spam in my email program. It shows I received about six hundred spam messages to my Yahoo email account.
I think I am going to have to retire from using that as my main email address anymore.
It is one of the oldest email addresses I have and I used it quite a bit. Back when I started using it, spam was quite unusual. Now I receive a couple dozen spams a day on this address.
I trusted companies, organizations, and maybe even the Internet community with that address. Obviously, that trust has been egregiously violated.
Yahoo seems to be struggling to find its way. Though it is not highly likely at this point, they could go down the road someday to bankruptcy or being acquired by another company - one like Microsoft, maybe.
In any case, looks like I will have a lot of work cut out for me. Once I pick a new address, I will have to configure various web sites I use to start using the new email address. I will have to send the new address to friends and relatives - and tell them to stop using the old one.
I have not gone through this before. Looks like I have no chioce now.
It is too bad the CAN-SPAM law was so ineffective. I saw the amount of SPAM I received double immediately after that law went into effect. The level of spam hsa remained high. The law did more to protect spammers than to protect email consumers.
I hope things get better in the future. The horrible sitation with Internet email needs to be turned around.