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US Government may be on hook for 2001 bio-terror attacks on Americans

Weapons of mass destruction (WoMD) such as "biological weapons" were one of the major reasons for going into Iraq following the 9/11 Islamic muslim airline hijackings/murders.

Americans were frightened at the time the Iraq invasion was announced due to waves of letters containing deadly anthrax sent to offices of media organizations. A nurse in the northeastern US died of anthrax during the same period.

In 2003, the widow of Florida victim Robert Stevens sued the US Government for lax security at Fort Detrick. Her lawyers surmised the biological material used in the attacks must have come from there. Their suit made the claim that the anthax was stolen from a biological weapons research lab located on that base.

What us Americans learned in the news today was a lot more shocking. Today's headlines included Anthrax 'suspect' is found dead and U.S. scientist in anthrax case reportedly kills himself.

Five people died in the deadly 2001 biological weapon attacks targeting people in offices of US national media organizations and offices of two US Senators.

The United States Senators targeted were both Democrats . No Republicans were attacked.

The Senators were Senate Majority leader Tom Daschel and Senate Judiciary Committee lead Patrick Leahy. In retrospect, given the events that have unfolded in the past 6-7 years, it does not look like these targets were chosen completely at random. This looks like genuine assassination attempts intended to effect a slight change in power.

We Americans were all convinced by certain politicians and their political appointees that these attack came from a foreign power and that it could only have come with the sinister complicity of some nation's government.

A year or two later, we were told maybe it was not weapons grade anthrax spores at all, and it might not have required a national government's lab to manufacturer.

At this point, it is hard to tell whether the first or the second statement was the untrue one. It would probably be interesting to know if the second finding came from the accused, while he was working for authorities to help catch "the killer".

Certainly, both statements cannot be true. The first statement was repeated over and over again without any qualification. The second statement was basically a retraction, rescinding the first.

The anthrax attacks were labeled a case of terrorism by the federal government.

Wild accusations flew around the globe toward Iraq.

A Burger King worker in Geramany who has been thoroughly discredited as a chronic liar by US investigative journalsim sleuths and the UN was the single source of information the US had implicating Iraq. His information indiicating WoMDs were being created in a factory in Iraq was found to be a complete fabrication.

Further, he made the claims as part of a number of false statements he made to German immigration authorties while trying to get immigration and work permits to enter Iraq. At the time, he was a fugitive from justiice in Iraq for dishonest business practices and allegedly stealing expensive video equipment from an employer.

The UN WoMD investigator, upon learning that all the claims of WoMDs existing in Iraq at the time came from one indivdual decided to investigate the individual.

What they found was the building could not have been used as "the source" described. Construction after he was employed there blocked the loading bays he claimed had been used later on to load/unload materials. This was clearly shown in satellite photos and anyone else with access to satellite photos could have easily spotted this.

The former boss who fired him - who he incidentally claimed was working in Iraq as a WoMD monger - in fact was working abroad during the time period of the accustation. The boss's son, accused of being an international WoMD vendor - was simply a normal 16 year old boy.

Even more telling, the boss had terminated the "source" for submitting incorrect documents. Invoices or somethign like that, as I recall.

Nevertheless, the gun was jumped and Americans were scared by politicians eager to invade Iraq

The US sent Colin Powell to rattle the US with the now debunked claims of the Burger King worker. The UN, for the most part did not buy it

That is why the UN did not commit troops to invade Iraq. The invasion was organized, initiated, and mostly manned and staffed by the US military. Or rather contractors and the US military.

The biggest contractor used at the time was Dick Cheney's company, a branch of which has been divested and know goes by the name KBR (Kellog, Brown, and Root)

That company stands accused of botching a drugging/rape perpetrated upon an american contractor and numerous electricutions of US service personel in Iraq who died while taking showers.

So, back to the present. Now, we learn that a US biological weapons scientist working at Fort Detrick, Maryland was about to be charged with the deadly anthrax attacks - and his dead body has just been discovered. It has the appearance of a suicide by overdose of painkillers. Prescription Tylenol with codeine, to be precise.

It is interesting that he was not kidnapped but instead was going to be charged in a criminal court. He was not tortured but escorted by his family and police from his work site. He was not waterboarded and thrown naked on a frigiid floor - or forced to sleep in a room with the lights always burning.

Instead, he was transfered to a mental health facility for a week because he was suffering from depression. This is the complete opposite of what we were assured was necessary in terrorism cases! And in fact, this is a real, live, actual case of terrorism.

No torture, no waterboarding for the man allegedly behind the Anthrax attacks that killed 5 Americans, contaminated countless other people - and entire US Postal Service Buildings. Not to mention a US Senate building.

Further, he was allowed to take his own life when he was set free, without guarded superviion. Think about that! Now, we the American people - our court system - cannot question this man. His dead victims and the survivors of his attack cannot make their statements in court during his trial. Evidence against him cannot be presented at a court of law for the sake of prosecuting him.

This was one of the biggest terrorist attacks of 2001! Multiple lives were lost in a number of states, many people wree exposed to deadly contamination and had to take potentially dangerous antibiotic drugs, and facilities were made unusual for a lengthy period of time while decontamination procedures could be carried out.

Look at what happened to Iraq. False allegations of WoMDs which have been soundly disproven by some officials and the more energetic parts of the media for years.

As for "invading" Fort Detrick, the US cannot send its military to invade it - or the whole state of Maryland - because the miliitary is already running the base. The base that employed the individual thought to be responsible, and the base from which it appears the individual obtained the deadly anthrax spores is already occupied by the US military. It is their base!

To paraphrase based on a quote from early in the last century, "We have met the source of the WoMD, and we are they".

Hopefully, the news revelations this week will improve the qualiity of future investigations when the resources of the US military are usurped to attack and kill Americans. It should not take the invasion of a foreign country to solve what is a simple - though deadly - case of of misconduct by someone supposedly assisting the federal government's military.

In fact, as we have seen - such an invasion does not solve the mystery. It merely delays justice where justice is due and keeps a dangerous criminal at large.

We would like to see such a crime not reoccur. When it does occur, we would like to not be be so exploited for political power and profit at the public's expense.

The dead man who now stands accused of the anthrax attacks did not end his alleged involvement in the crimes after committing them. He was even later paid again by the US government as a scientific expert to investigate them! In retrospect, they could have chosen a better, more impartial expert.

Today, a Friday, McCain's claims of his party's expertise on matters of terrorism and WoMDs are likely to be muted. They certainly ring hollow enough.

Later in the summer, when memory of who was responsible for the 2001 anthrax WoMDs attacks on America fades they will no doubt start up again.

Please try to remember a few months who was behind these horrible attacks. Try to find a little compassion for those it turns out were not in any way responsible for them - and their victims. They do deserve compensation for what they suffered.

The Florida victim's widow, for one, deserves full compensation for her loss of a loved one in these attacks. And some moments of quiet reflection by all Americans. Because now we know that we are all a little bit responsible.

The next time a politician tries to scare you into hating and fearing some group, just remember who The Real Killer was. Think about that. The truth matters.