The special bags that hunters bought or crafted for holding their arrows or ammunition seem to be dramatically less useful with the advent of World of Warcraft 3.1.
The bags have not gotten worse. Rather it is the need for them that has tanked.
Ammo and arrows used to stack in units off 200 per slot. Now it is 1,000 per slot. So almost all the ammo I used to need a 16 slot bag for will almost fit into 3 slots.
There is no more speed buff from bags eiher. It used to range from 10 to 15 perscent as your bags got larger - and more expensive.
Instead, all huners have a 15 percent speed buff at firing. So, that advantage too is lost from the bags.
It sort of looks like Blizzard wants Hunters to stop buying custom bags for the stuff they are firing - and leatherworkers to stop crafting it. I was just about to go farm 30 special feathers in Outland so my night elf hunter could craft a 20 slot quver for itself. Having read the release notse, I think I will save myself the trouble and simply equip a new general purpose bag in its place.
Same goes for all of my hunters, I think.
This is a pretty big change. Small in most ways and mostly a welcome one, I think. However, I pity anyone who just spent a lot of money or effort getting their hunter big, expensive quiver or armor bag. Sounds like their efforts were for naught or their golds were wasted.