WoW 3.2 going live today - ride on!
by JohnnySoftware on Comments
According to, today patch 3.2 is going live. People have been looking forward to this patch for a long, long time. The thing in 3.2 that most people have been anxious for is cheaper prices for mounts and riding lessons. See the Mount and Riding pages at for complete lists of how much - or now, how little - these things cost. The regular ground mounts are practically free with the advent of WoW 3.2 - and are available to any character who is level 20 or higher. The total cost for Mount+Riding for regular mounts drops to only 5 golds. If you have not saved 5 golds by level 20 then you probably need to get the Auctioneer addon and start saving some golds! If one has many character level 40+ alts of different classes - and one does not have tons of gold to spend - some priorities will have to be set on which characters will get their fast ground or regular/fast flying mounts first. Druids, Paladins, and Warlocks get their mounts virtually free. Paladins and Warlocks still need to buy their Riding lessons, however. Not sure if Druids need to pay for Riding lessons or not but in any case, I am almost sure that all 3 of these classes will get the mount itself for only 16 to 20 golds. So, all other things being more or less equal, characters of these 3 classes should probably be given priority as you rush to capitalize on the at last affordable fast ground mounts. These are the so called epic (purple quality) ground mounts. Death Knights, of course get epic mounts to begin with in wow. Like everything else they have upon completing the level 55-58 Death Knight questing grind, they receive their mound/riding doing quests in their little Death Knight temporary pocket universe. This happens before leaving it for good around level 58. This is why Death Knights should not cut corners on doing all their class quests before doing the final one that takes them to Light's Hope Chapel for a huge battle that frees them to go forth into the outside world. The next way of saving oodles of golds is one that all classes can take advantage of in WoW: PvP reward mounts. PvP epic mounts are purchased with battleground marks. There are two paths you can take to obtain these mounts. Either (a) 50 Alterac Valley marks gets you a ram (alliance) or frost wolf (horde), or (b) 30 marks each for Arathi+Warsong+Alterac. If you love Alterac Valley because lets say your side wins all the time, then you will probably prefer (a). However, if you enjoy all 3 of these BGs - or you prefer a different species/color mount - then (b) might be more to your liking. There are lots of other ways to get mounts for golds or various types of PvP tokens such as BG marks or items you get for doing world PvP in places like Nagrand. Look at the Mount page for details of where/what they are and how much they cost. The two ways listed above are simply likely to be the most popular or practical, now that 3.2 has made epic (fast) mounts obtainable at level 40 - long before one ventures forth to Outland or reaches level 61. Hope this information proves useful to you. If you have questions they will surely be answered far better by glancing at the Mount and Riding pages at than by me. For the curious, here are the higher level mounts I have now and plan to get in the near (or almost near) future: Now: warlock - fast ground (2); hunter: regular ground (3); rogue: regular ground (2), shaman: regular ground (1), druid: regular(1) ground. Soon: rogue: fast ground (1); warlock: fast ground (1), regular ground (1); hunter: fast ground (1) and then regular flying(1); warrior: regular ground (1); death knight: regular flying (1); priest: fast ground (1); paladin: fast ground (1) Later: warlock: fast ground (1), regular ground(1); hunter: fast ground(1); shaman: fast ground(1); mage: fast ground (1) I have a lot of other characters of various classes which are not getting new mounts anytime soon. This is generally because I just do not have enough gold to spend on them at the moment, they are too low level to need a better mount, and I simply do not rely very much on their gathering profession at this time. For me, flying mounts are not a priority until characters are a high enough level to buy Cold Weather Flying lessons - and I have tons of gold accumulated to pay for it. Cold Weather Flying lessons and fast flying mounts, while cheaper than before, are still very expensive in WoW 3.2. Fast riding mounts are a priority because they help you get many, many quests done faster and with less dying. You are going to outrun pursuit a lot more of the time if you have a fast mount than if you are running or riding a regular mount. They are also going to get you to instances faster - and that means more instances run per week. So a fast mount will help you level faster - and also quickly pay for itself - for characters you use a lot! One thing, however, which is nice for those who finally get a regular flying mount is that even though they remain slower than the fast flying mounts - the regular flying mounts are far faster than they used to be prior to WoW 3.2 arriving. There are places in Outland and Northrend that are simply not accessible unless you have a flying mount.