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JokerCZW Blog

Finals Week

College Finals Suck... it's not so much the tests though. I'm overloaded with projects. Yet, here I am. What the f*ck! :D

Wrestling Blurbs

If I could give anyone out there who's ever watched wrestling a chance to watch it and really enjoy it... there is only one place that I would say to turn to:

CHIKARA isn't your every day wrestling. They took Mexican Lucha Libre and mixed it with Japanese Wrestling (Puroresu to the natives) right here in the good ol' USA. I don't want to give away too much, because finding out on your own is the best part. I will say that the level of entertainment that is in the matches.. that is in the characters in this promotion, put the rest to shame.

Where else can you see the Unionized Traffic Regulator: Shane Storm tear it up in the ring anyway?

What's keeping me busy...

Aside from playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, I recently got a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap on my PC via emulator. Great game! I've never been able to play GBA games due to my not owning one, so I found it online. Big deal, wanna fight about it? Anyway, it made me want to go back and play all of the old Zelda games I've missed out on and just haven't had the time to play. I'm now knee deep in A Link to the Past and I gotta say that the story of the Four Sword is very intriguing! Apparently, Minish Cap is a prequel to any of the other games that involve the Four Sword. Neat eh? It made me want to play more and more, and I did. And I am! Guess I'll check out Oracle of Ages/Seasons next. Only time will tell!