Jolmer's forum posts
Job: Mechanic
Age: 24
Weapon: .357 Magnum Revolver
Attacks: Shot (Shoots enemy :roll:) 3000-5000 damage depending on range, Pistol Whip (makes use of butt of the pistol to deal melee damage) 2000-2750 damage, Careful Shot (A well placed bullet does extra damage) 3500-5500 damage.
Limit Breaks: Auto Gun (Fires mulitple shots in sucession) 6000-7000 damage
Story: Cid was raised in the city. As such he was exposed to high technology at a decently early age. He worked with his dad as a mechanic in his shop in the busiest part of the city untill his dad was too old to continue. Cid has taken over the business from there. He enjoys watching sport and drinking soda. (what guy doesnt). He has a girlfriend and lives with her in the upper floor of his shop. The only reason he chose to carry a pistol was because he was mugged at knife point in an alley when he was 17.
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