Resident Evil at one point was more than just a game it was my life. It's sad but I liked it that way, of course I was younger and didn't have as many responsibilities like I do now. Enough of this boring crap, let's get to the point. Why Resident Evil is awesome and I dare say one of the best video game series.
The first Resident Evil (RE) game I played was RE Code Veronica X for the PS2. I don't even know why I picked it up maybe I was curious to try one of these so called "survival horror" games. It didn't even dawn on me that Code Veronica X was actually the fourth game in the series. What I do remember is being in awe at the awesome opening video with its awesome graphics and music. For those unfamiliar with the game you start out as Claire Redfield who is imprisoned on Rockfort Island. Was I scared? Hell YES! I don't think I even finished the game for a while I had to have my braver brother finish it. Was I actually scared? When I think back I would say I wasn't. I think my apprehension comes from the surprise element and not knowing what to do or where to go when some monster suddenly pops out from behind a wall.
What this game did though was start my appetite for more games like it. So naturally I hunted down the older games and played them. I soon became engrossed with the rich universe that Capcom created. I wanted to know more about Chris Redfield and how Umbrella came to power. Raccoon City even became a place I wanted to go too (It's alright you can think I'm crazy because I was). I guess the reason why I became close to the series was that it was there when I needed to escape from my personnel troubles (I know what troubles could a 14 year old be having?) Oh and to top off my craziness I even wrote fan fiction, no genre was safe from my creative mind. Yes there were stories about Wesker and Rebecca going to Burger King and Chris Redfield and Barry Burton admitting their love for one another. No one was safe.
Fast forward a year or two and it happened. I got my GameCube for Christmas and I went to my local Blockbuster and bought Resident Evil (the remake). I didn't have a memory card, which I stupidly forgot to buy. Anyway I played some of it and boy was I scared it was like revisiting an old friend only to find out they changed and add some new rooms. When I did get a memory card I was too scared not scared but it should felt like fear to actually play the game. I did eventually and it was awesome. I soon got addicted to speedruns. Many nights wasted trying to beat my record of 1:45:38 seconds. I know it's not the fastest but I'm proud of my time, so there! Next were the Outbreak series. They were okay nothing too great as I never had the chance to go online with them, which I'm sure would be fun.
Now came my hate Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube. I wanted the original one that was scraped not this flashy Hollywood cheese fest that it was. Now I played these games for story. Yes that is true they happen to have a very though provoking stories up there with Metal Gear Solid. Now I never actually played four I've seen it completed enough times to say the story sucked. My real complaints were with the controls. They weren't the greatest like some would say but instead horrible. The GameCube controller is not the greatest to begin with anyway. Ada Wong returning was a good twist for a while, but the whole game was far fetched. The castle was the size of Spain, the locations didn't fit the game at all and there is so much more which I will save for another time maybe in the next blog I will try to go into more detail. This brings me to Resident Evil 5, which I will save for another time as my time with it was filled with awe and disappointment.