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#1 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

Been a terrible season for my sens so far, hoping they pick things back up. The West is just killing the East this year and yet all talks about is the East lol.

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#2 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

I just wanted to know a few things before I get this game, even though I know I will but still lol

- Did they fix the penalties being called? The last game I swear you could go 4-5 games with not 1 called, when it should be 1 every period at least. 

- Goalies on your side. Some how my goalie always lets in a ton of goals reguardless of where the puck is shot, while the cpu's is doing a grand performance of 50 saves over 11 shots on me. CPU needs to shoot more and my goalie needs to do his job. 

- CPU is post to be smarter. I swear after a week of nhl games and figuring out how to score the game becomes a joke as theres always holes in the cpu's defense. No player should be able to walk right through the middle. 

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#3 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

Yuri, its almost not even up for debate on how badass that guy was. Most Tales heroes are confused and lost and are to young to make choices, but Yuri was 21 and was mature for his age, by doing what he believed was right without constantly debating his choices. He was funny and charming and had style. Plus he wasn't an airhead. I swear if you want a man to look up to in a video game, Yuri is your guy.


Humor wise goes to Pascal. She made Tales of Graces bareable though all the we must save richard and friendship crap. Pascal made me laugh so much lol. 


Best Villian goes to the whole group of Abyss. Xillia tried to do that, but messed up by putting character who were stubborn and lost. Every Villian in Abyss had a purpose and drive that made sense and the passion of those battles was intense. Or I would go with Mithos.

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#4 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

Why make a remake of an average game? I would much rather they spend time making new games, then remakes. Remakes can be great as some games like Symphonia at this point are unplayable, but at the time were masterpieces. Plus the days of 2D Tales games are over, at best you would see it on the PS Vita store. I did like Chloe in Tales of Legendia though, she makes my list of 4th best character of all time in tales.  

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#5 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

I LOVE all of the Tales music, its literly one of the best battle soundtracks of all time and then Xilla hit and the 3 battle themes for random battles were just terrible and gave me a headache. I love the Violin but this just gave me a headache after a while. I hope Xilla 2 has much better music, as this game did not impress. 

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#6 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

Xilla is an ok game, but fails compaired to other Tales in the series. 


Best Tales is probably Symphonia its a classic, Followed by Abyss and Vesperia. Though Graces gets the win for most amusing character with Pascal, she made that game. 

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#7 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

I just thought I would ask if anyone else has had this problem. I have had my 360 for years now, I think like 5 years and never replaced it, which is amazing considering the problems they used to have. Anyway about 2-3 months now my system will load up and it will make a wierd noise like its trying to read the disc in the machine and wont load. I can switch games and it wont matter does the same thing. So if I unplugged it and the tv for some reason theres usually a good chance it will read the disc, but sometimes it doesn't work. It also refused to open this one time til I unplugged it and it opened up again. Also my light on the consol where it shows the controler is turned on won't turn on from time to time which is a bit odd. I think my 360's life is coming to an end and I don't know if its worth buying games for it still, as I own a PS3 also, but I love achievements and the controler more on the 360. As I plan to buy NHL14 and play it all year long as there great games, but thinking it might be safer just to buy it on PS3.

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#8 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

If I don't at least get half the achievements on a game, it just feels like a waste lol. Its like my gamescore shows you got only 250 of 1000 makes you go wow I suck lol. Then each passing game it adds up and your like 2000 of 5000... gets worse 20000 out a possible 60000... and your like what have I been doing with myself! lol

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#9 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

Two Worlds 2.... I don't know what I was thinking when I bought this game.

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#10 Jon_Sly
Member since 2006 • 1122 Posts

Yah tactics games are always a must on my list, just havn't seen it around in normal retail stores. Probably at eb or something, get around to it.