@sircyrus Creationism has as much science as Evolution, you're the one who makes it so we can't get anywhere. You see me and calvinsora? We can get along unlike you and TheTrueMagusX1. You're trying to downgrade science as a whole. Just because Creationists have the Bible doesn't mean it's not science. Ever heard of the Creation Museum? God loves science, that's why he gives us science in the Bible. Yes it doesn't get into details about amino acids and whatnot, but he still gave us the brains to discover them right? And you said that geological rock layers PROVE that the Earth is more than 6000 years old. Did you know that when St.Helens erupted entire canyons were formed, layers of rock smashed down, animals fossilized, trees fossilized, and rivers dammed up in only a few hours? This was all due to mainly water. And what catastrophic event destroyed the surface of the Earth 5000 years ago? The Flood. At least that's what Creationists believe, but all our evidence is here right? Yes there are other explanations but uh, I think I just showed you that the Bible can have tons of science in just a few verses didn't I?
@calvinsora I see your point, but what theory says doesn't add up. Evolution's explanation for the first life on Earth always revolves around bacteria. And we know bacteria has DNA right? And DNA is information right? So where did we get this info? You could say it just happened through things crashing and burning, but that doesn't really make sense. How does fire and rock + time = our brain? Even bacteria did get its DNA from something, how does it get new parts? There's nothing to give the bacteria new parts, because it wasn't put in their DNA. But suppose they really did get new parts by wanting them. So they may get skin, but then you have sweat, so you have to have water, but it hast to be clean, but you have to digest that water. Our bodies are so complicated it's hard to believe that it just somehow knows how to perfect itself. What about things that don't really help us survive like laughing, sexual pleasure, and whatever that chemical is that our brain makes to make us feel happy? And you said genetic mutations. The only genetic mutations that can mess with a whole block of genes such as your arm, are the negative ones. So maybe our arm might get stronger or longer, but that doesn't mean we'll grow another one. However some people do, but those aren't positive, they just get in the way and we really have no use for them. I guess we didn't make much progress since last time, but at least we're going somewhere with this unlike most of the other guys on here.
@nparks Obviously we have light bulbs right? I'm just saying that most of the light in the universe comes from things besides the sun. God created other things that had light, maybe even other stars. But what the Bible says is "He created two great lights to GOVERN the night and the day." so its saying that there were two big lights, not just lights. And for whatever reason he had, there was already day and night, obviously that was in the past and we absolutely no historical records of whatever went on ba.... oh wait we do. For some reason about 200 years ago the Bible to some people suddenly became lesser to the idea of one man. The Bible has the full story, beginning to end. But for some reason people think evolutionists are accurate when they have to leave out the whole beginning. The arguments usually even out, so I say we make peace for the greater good of science. I say creationists and evolutionists work together to solve the problems we share. We have our explanation, you have yours. They are equally scientific (you have to know the Bible to understand that). BTW You can't take everything the Bible says literally. You have to know what to take in, and what leave out of being literal. So what do you say? Peace?
@calvinsora I am definitely open to whatever evolution has to offer. What creationists believe in is micro-evolution, while evolutionists believe in macro-evolution. Micro-evolution is simply evolution on an extremely small and rather limited scale. I wasn't saying there was only one animal, I was saying all species were created with two original designs. We know that living things carry genes right? So what creationists say is that these first animals had every gene possible. So once we started reproducing and interbreeding, the genes got mixed and spread around. So the first dog for example would have been a large furry wolf. Then it and its mate would reproduce and have pups with different genes since the parents already had them. Same thing with cats and fish etc. And eventually over those 6000 years we end up with a bunch of different kinds of animals. That's why Noah only had to take maybe a few hundred, minus the fish and birds. This goes for our races too. Black people went south, whites went north. Adam and Eve already had all the genes, they just got spread around. That's why today we find that we don't get genes added, they do change, but we are actually LOSING genes. Our genes do evolve, but they don't make more. That's why we obviously didn't come from bacteria, because bacteria only has bacteria genes right? So evolution and creationism do have something in common, I think maybe we should just work together you know? Maybe we can look at it both ways.
@nparks I know what atheists have to say, and its not all that bad. The Bible never says the world is flat, it says there was an atmosphere, and it was filled with water. The Bible has a whole verse hinting that the world is a sphere. So while the people writing might not of known what God was trying to tell them, we do very easily now. And when it says he made light, he obviously made the sun to give off light. And various versions it says "sun" and "moon". So there you go. You must understand that in the mind of a non-Christian, the Bible makes no sense. That is because it is there interpretation, which isn't a Christian one. While I don't every single answer to everyone's questions, I do know a lot, and I know that there are people who do know the answers. Christians like me use the Bible to answer many questions about life that we all naturally have. But many people have not had the Bible explained to them so they twist to what they think it's saying, and what other say it's saying... if you get what I'm saying lol.
@calvinsora Alright, so neither of us know for sure if they were based off itself in the first place, neither of us were there. And the age of the Earth has never been PROVED to be more than 6000 or so years old, because every form of dating they use can be easily shown to be defective. Also, our dirt was not even close to being as fertile as it once was. How do you make protein out of dirt? Who knows? God does what he does but the point is that their bare essential chemicals can be found in dirt. In Noah's time animals hadn't really begun spreading their genes around much, so there was only one kind of each animal. So one dog, one cat, one bird, one fish (there could be more kinds but they were already in the water so no boat needed), one lizard, one spider etc. They all eventually spread their genes around to produce different forms of themselves. So what's the biggest animal on land? The African elephant. That could easily have been put in a boat. And yes, creationism has an explanation for our bodies too, so its NOT only evolution. I don't know of any good internet material but try going to the Creation Museum, they have human body professors, geological scientists, and even evolutionist scientists because there is even some evolution in the Bible. So I dare you to go argue that our bodies can only be explained through evolution, because trust me, there are definitely explanations for everything in our bodies. God loves science and math, so he gives us answers.
@calinsora I'm not complaining about thumbs down, I just want to know why they gave a thumbs down, and that might of been you. Dating methods, geological studies, modern day group tests, and genetic experiments are all done the belief that evolution happened the first place, because the only way these tests could prove anything is by assuming evolution is true. However the same can be said about creationism, but we have a scientifically, historically, and highly popular book to support us, not just an idea made in the last 200 years (I'm not saying that evolution is only an idea, but for now it is). But consider this, (I'm not saying you assume this, just most atheists/evolutionists do) many say that the Bible was written by a bunch of idiots as a fairytale. But how come the Bible has never been proved wrong in 2000 years? How could these writers know things such as the compounds we're made of are all found in dirt? How has their "idiotic" ideas survived for thousands of years if they're just fairy tales? Evolution is more of a fairy tale than the Bible. What has evolution proved? If creationism is so dumb, and evolution is so smart, why can't evolutionists prove anything without assuming they're right in the first place? I'm not trying to be unfair or anything, its just hard to prove a point on the internet without being misunderstood.
Oh, okay that's cruel, another dislike? Come on guys, we need to discuss this not just say "you're wrong"! Just tell me why you are disliking my comment!
@moviequest14 You are pretty spot on. No matter how many times a scientist says 'this' happened, it doesn't mean that 'this' happened. Evolution and Atheism have spread like a wildfire. And the reason it did is probably because people simply denied the Bible's accuracy only because it talks about supernatural things. So when evolution comes along, the biggest idea of "what if" ever, people naturally cling on to the fact that 'this' happened. But what is 'this'. Evolutionists have no idea if 'this' is real or not, but they will continue to say it is because they want anybody turning to religion since they lost faith in 'this'. (sorry for my ridiculous metaphor)
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