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Ninja Gaiden 2 long to wait...

Wow, the day is almost upon us. When NG2 will be unleashed upon our 360's.... As many of you may or may not know, NGB is my favorite game of all time. I stumbled upon the original in 2004 and played a little but did not get fully into it until I saw some gamplay videos over at I thought... that looks as if it may be the most rewarding game I will ever play, this was one of the very few times I was completely right.

Bigalski over at iberiansngrealm has some excellent karma run videos (with commentary) that were extremely helpful. My skill skyrocketed with the original NG and then I purchased NGB to get the included Hurricane Packs. Suffice to say I never looked back. NGB is a bit more punishing than the original. However the reward for mastering aspects of the game are worth any frustration associated with playing, and dying, over and over again. Eventually your skill will increase to where certain difficulties are boring and must be played with a certain handicap or goal in mind. Karma runs are an example and are excruciatingly difficult. Resets are so frequent that you wonder why are putting yourself up to this daunting task. Your scores are really the reason, and for the satisfaction of the gameplay. The game feels fantastic when you are good at it. I remember when I first played it in 04. I didnt hate the game but it wasnt fun because of its difficulty. Now that has changed. You're enjoyment of NGB is directly proportional to time and effort put into the game. I think that is why NGB is still my favorite game of all time.

The wait has felt far too long, but the reward from patience will be all worth it....