There was an article in my local paper last week about some kids who were just beginning summer vacation, and had started by playing Gears of War.
One was 12, the other was 7.
The mother of the two boys expressed shock and disbelief at how horribly violent and gory the game was, stating that she would take the game back, and proceeded to decry the state of video games today. The game's rating was mentioned in a brief sentence.
Now we hear word that members of the APA want to classify video game addiction as a mental disease, and that the ESRB is going to start regulating game trailers. Yes, game trailers (apparently, there are a lot of bored people at ESRB HQ).
Did I fall asleep on Planet Earth, and wake up on Planet Stupid? At what point did we become a nation of people with no common sense? It seems as though we've become so paranoid about the most innocuous things, but the really dangerous stuff seems to pass right by. Think about this: the lady decrying video games is probably just trying to protect her children, but presumably, she drives them places, or at the very least takes them outside. An automobile is essentially a 5,000 lb. steel juggernaut, and considering how many people drive their cars at any given time, you are basically trusting your lives to complete strangers operating said juggernauts. The short version is that you're more likely to die from a car accident than a video game, but you don't see anyone flipping out about it.
Members of the AMA want to classify video game addiction as a mental disease, but these are the same people who couldn't rustle up enough vaccines for an avian bird flu epidemic a few years back (an epidemic which never came, incidently). And I don't think I really need to spell out why game trailers don't need regulation, do I?
So here's my advice to all the people who lack common sense. Video game mom: I know it's hard to keep track of your kids. I know it seems like you don't have time for yourself, and honestly technology and entertainment are so much more different than what they were when you were a kid. But there is a ratings system in place, and has been for years. I'm staring at the back of the Gears of War box, and all the warnings about it's blood and gore, strong language, etc. are right here (and if the act of flipping over a box and reading the words on it is that much of a chore, it's time for a vacation). Plus, if all else fails, do what my parents did: talk to your kids, and explain to them why what they're seeing on the TV screen isn't appropriate for real life.
AMA: Don't you have something better to do? Like maybe cure a disease, or improve somebody's quality of life? If business is too slow for you guys, I can think up some things for you to do.
ESRB: Stick to the video games, guys. Do what you do best, and the knuckle heads will have no choice but to back down. Oh, and tell Hillary Clinton to sit down, and shut up.