Believe it or not I am in fact still alive. I've just been really busy lately...really busy. A 17 hour school secedule will do that to you, especially when 11 hours of it is all math and science. Physical Chemistry is the worst of them all, it's the kind of class that has the ability to drain you of your will to to do anything. It has the reputaion of being the hardest class taught in the chemistry department, if not the entire school.
Now that the initial shock of my course load is over I may be able to scrape together enough time to come back to the Smallville fourms in a limited capacity. Likely just a few posts a day in the episode disscussion thread of the week. At least once I get through the next few weeks that are overflowing with tests and papers.
So dismantle your memorial shrines, and put out your funeral pires. I coming home.
I still don't like Lana, even if she has stopped whining about secracy.