Thank you guys {3 I will try just plugging in 4 pin first, and if it don't work I will buy an adapter. ;)
Jor297's forum posts
The motherboard I have now got a 4-pin ATX12V-contact, and the new motherboard I am getting got a 8-pin ATX12V-contact. Does that mean I have to change my power supply in order to get it to work? Or can I just plug in the 4pin and leave the rest alone? Or is there some kind of cable I can use to adapt the 4pin into a 8pin?
thanks in advance :P
My PC is currently driving:
WD Caviar SE16 500GB -…
Will it then be able to drive:
Samsung SpinPoint F3 -…
My motherboard is an ASUS P5K
Have you tried booting to your Windows disc and running the repair thing?C_Rule
Have tried everything. The only option is reinstall. And I also need a new harddisc so I think imma go for a 2TB one.
My 500GB disc crashed (pure software crash), boot.ini is gone or whatever. If I reinstall Windows, it will be formatted, something I don't want, so will this work:
Buy a new harddisc, install Windows on it, plug in the old disc as a D drive, get acces to my documents? I do need a new HDD, 500GB is too small, so is this the best way to go?
I really appreciate help! :D
put the hard drive in a second PC, copy files over. just be aware, if it's not booting the drive could be deadmetacritical
I will try on another PC. No, it is not dead, or it could be, no it's not. I got a bluescreen, then the HDD will not boot anymore, so imma stick with that it's a software issue.
How do I take backup on a harddisc that ain't booting? Need to backup the files, so I don't need to start everything on new. Because imma format my harddisc
You should join Mr. House!!!
Of course they are. I MEAN. COME ON. Nintendo 64 owns, but Wii is also good.
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