Lately the motion horde has taken over me and Iv been looking at tons of vids on Natal and the PlayStation motion wands.So when comparing the two honestly it looks like the Playstation wands has been thought out a little more than Natal and i say this because of the simple reason of space.For example look a this picture....
Can any of you guys tell me that u have enough room where ur console is to do this? The whole point of Natal is that you are the controller, so sense you are the controller that means u have to be far from the T.V. and you have to have enough space to do all these kicks and jumps.Not to mention how can you play Natal with another person? You yourself is taking up enough space so how can another person also play it without the two people mistakenly kicking one another?
Microsoft says they want to bring in the Wii owners and make them want buy a Xbox 360 with Natal but really this if far from the Wii.Everybody knows with a Wii u dont need much space and u have these things.....
which are on point with your movements but with Natal its like a short delay with ur actual movements till it shows it on your T.V. and they call this a rebirth of the 360?...*says yea right in a very sarcastic way*
Natal is a great idea and i have no doubt that it will sell well and developers will enjoy developing on it but i personally think Microsoft approached it in the wrong way and i also think motion in video games are sooooo overrated.
*Ill do a Part 2 about my thoughts about the PlayStation Motion Wands
~JordanizPro out