Heres what i learned..
1.Bungie still doesnt want to show us their true potiential
Why Bungie?Why?!?!
Everyone knows Reach was an awesome game but it was kinda what we all expected.Bungie has only been working on 1 console(360) and they havnt even touched a PS3.So why is Halo Reach not as graphically impressive as Uncharted 2?If anybody Bungie should know how to utilize the 360s hardware perfectly.
2.Never...Ever give into Hype
Setting the bar?Yeeeea right
Now its ok to be excited for a game but never set your heart on things youve heard or even on what the developers have said.Yes,Im looking at you Gran Turismo 5.GT5 was suppose to be the best racer of all time with Playstation 4 graphics but for all of you who dont know all the cars in GT5 are split into two sections.Premium cars are cars that look amazing.By far the most detailed cars in a racer to date but there are also standard cars that look very PS2ish.GT fans waited 3+ years to look a half ugly game.Fail.
3.PC gaming is a whole generation ahead of consoles
is this surprising?
Crytek recently stated that PC gaming is a whole generation ahead of the PS3 and 360....hmmm :roll:
4.Activision will continue to be greedy retards that will never give some of there games the respect they deserve
Why dont all of us gamers just skip a call of duty and see what happens..
This isnt very surprising but each time Activision announces a new Call of Duty you cant help but to think why.They recently just announced Modern Warfare 3 for 2011 which is going to sell a crap load.A new Call of duty each year is really tiring out gamers as it is me.
5.Just because a game was in development for a long time doesnt mean the game will be amazing
I loved Alan Wake,it actually won my GoTY but for how long the game was in development doesnt match the games overall quality.I was expecting Alan Wake to have as much content as Assassins creed 2.