Killzone 2 came out early this year with loads of crazy anticipation by Playstation 3 and all Playstation fans in general.Killzone 2 gave us a great story,showed us the most breathtaking graphics we all have ever seen on a console,and a addicting mutiplayer with nice clan features.As i was voting for the VGAs when i got to the GOTY award i was looking for Killzone 2 but surprisingly it wasnt there.Killzone 2 was one of the best games of 09 and with all the years of work that Gurrila Games put into Killzone 2 it didnt even get a nomination for Game of the Year.
But it gets better guess what game that got a nomination that i think didnt deserve it at all.Batman Arkham Asylum,now dont get me wrong Batman AA was a great game,it was the best superhero game we all have seen but was it GOTY worthy?No it wasnt.It didnt make a huge comeback like Killzone,it didnt have a big of a fanbase as killzone 2 and it didnt set any bar.Now lets move to another game shall we.Ok so Left 4 Dead 2,was also a big game but lets ask ourselves that same question was it GOTY worthy?No it also wasnt. Left 4 Dead 2 did the same thing as NBA Live or Madden games do,they just keep the same thing but add more features and maps. Left 4 Dead 2 only had 1 year worths of work and even though its a good game i must say if Valve had waited maybe another year or so it would had been a great game.So as iv heard before the Spike GOTY awards is just a huge popularity contest,and just to let u guys remember GTA 4 won over Metal gear Solid 4 last year which is just jaw dropping.Killzone 2 deserves a spot on that GOTY nomination list and i dont think anybody can honestly say it doesnt.