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Joseph1182 Blog

Game Cube

I received a game cube for christmas. I am happy because there are alot of games I have been wanting to play on GC. I do not feel like I am going to neglect the PS2, because no matter what I will always prefer PS over NIN, except when it comes to the much older games.

After I beat Shin Megami Tensi, I will start this new Zelda game.. something like the four swoards? I dont remember, but I am almost done with shin... acutally I am mad at it, because Dantae defeated me due to myself having on a week magatama, and so I tried some temple and died there too.

Not much time to play over the holidays.. hopefully after Jan 4th!


OKAY!! Like I have every reason to be upset about this! I am stuck in the Tunnel at the oni's. I have fought 2 out of the 4, and got defeated by both. I raised my level a bunch, and tried to use the best matatama, but still no luck . My husband is even further then me now! It's okay. I know that once I figure it out, I can zoom right past him. I have more time to play!

I've learned a lot about the game recently. I purchased the guide, but did not read the walkthrough, just the other stuff. It really does not give out too many spoilers.

Nocturne Underpass


Well, I finally found a bill to give to the collector. Now, I am stuck trying to beat Matador. I went and built up my levels, and still no luck defeating him. I read somewhere that Fog Breath and Suku Kaja help, but I am not sure if I have any of those skills yet. I am nearly at level 23, something has got to work!

I still have not used any jewels to make or purchase anything. I am not sure how much that is going to help. I have gotten better at making good demons! Everyone that I use in my party is over level 20... that is not saying much though. Looks like I need no one who is week against shock!

I contemplated buying the strategy guide today, but since I would want to get express shipping and then I would probably use the guide to help me whenever I got stuck, I decided not to get it at this time. Normally, I have a guide to help me, but this time I want to do it all on my own. (I had a really bad day).

This is just a babble I felt like typing. Tomorrow I will work on defeating Matador - wish me luck!

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne


I was really hesitant to purchase this game, since I have never heard of it, not even the past releases on other systems. The sales associate at game crazy told me that he really wanted to purchace it and play it... and also it was supposed to be really good. Since it had just come out, it was kind of costly for something I knew nothing about. I then followed an instinct to buy it.

I started to play it just a few days ago. Within the first hour of game play I was hooked. It got me going from the start. Instead of something major happening in the middle or end of the game (like some RPG 's), something big happens in the beginning - The world is destroyed. I have not read any strategies or walk throughs, so I really don't know what your trying to accomplish in the game.

I pretty much have learned all the basics, like fusing demons and controlling magatama. Right now I am stuck. I have went through the underground passage and talked to everyone and have gotten no further except with my levels. Which is why I am going to go play now!