The more people like you cry about the AH, the tastier your tears become. I like the AH. Why? Because the chat channel isn't FLOODED with people trying to sell their stuff. There aren't people begging for FREE FREE FREE because they can't get gear at all to do any of the later content. It also allows people to set their own value, and sell their items, rather than going through third parties, like they were doing in D2.
Oh, and don't forget how SoJs became currency, and gold meant absolutely nothing. That was just how ridiculous it was back then. An in-game item became a frelling currency, not an item to use. People demanding the removal of the AH are just so jaded it's sickening...
You, sir, are a frelling liar. Adventures of Hellsing was incredibly short, it was boring, it had a handful of very good skills that you pretty much were pushed towards using, AND it had game breaking bugs that would stop you from progressing through the game, to the point you had to restart the game from scratch.
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