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Josh-Suvern Blog

Dragonball Z|: the movie

There have been alot of rumours about the anime series DragonballZ being made into a film ,and its true!!. Personally i think its about time, i can't wait to see this film , its being made with a high budget so the special effects that will be needed fro this film will not let us down

The story takes place at the beginning of the Dragonball series where Goku is sent to Earth as a child. He is a saiyan (has kickass powers) who must find all 7 dragonballs before the namek Piccolo (has kickass powers). Piccolo, who will be played by James Marsters you may remember as spike from buffy, will be after the dragonballs to wish for imortality so he can destroy the world.And for all you people who don't beleive this movie is being made, visit

The mummy 3

i don't know what it is but i can not wait for this film. It looks incredible. Ive always been a fan of big armies, fight scenes, dragons and super powers. THIS FILM HAS ALL OF IT, it has a 3 headed dragon, two huge armys of mummies, a dude who controls fire, ice, water, air and earth. And Jet Li vs Brendan Fraiser (come on Jet Li)

Easy Games

Ok i know how good games can look in trailers, but you cannot allow yourself to be conned by special effects. I am talking about the kind of games that are only made for idiots who will like the look of them. For example, theres a new Hulk film coming out, so ofcourse people see the game and think hmmm should be good right? wrong. i garuntee that game will be so poorly made any decent gamer will be able to complete it in a day or two, so why cough up the money for a crappy game like that when you could spend your hard earned cash on an RP G like GTAIV or Metal gear solid.