Joshua6609's forum posts
No One Lives Forever, just replayed that, best game ever made. The Longest Journey, the Money Island series, all classics. As for current games, FEAR was amazing, Prey rocked, World In Conflict, thoughan RTS, should be tried. It's different than the rest, and is amazing. Of course CounterStrike Source and Half Life 2 are always good for a rainy day.
The end of Dreamfall was just over the top. That's theonly timeI'veshed a tear while playing a game.
However, playing CounterStrike: Source online I've laughed so hard I cried a ton, same goes for No One Lives Forever one and two, andCompany Of Heroes.
Cate Archer from No One Lives Forever will forever be my favourite video game character ever. I personally perfer playing a heroine, don't know why. Maybe because it's easier to look at a hot chick for 20 hours than a guy's ass for 20 hours.
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