I'm white and my girlfriend is black. Yes,
Jph625's forum posts
its somewhat silly to say that in the unfathomable space that is out there, (and the fact that we know nothing about it), that there's no other lifeforms wouldn't you say?
When you, regardless of your race, see someone of another race do you think, "That person is black/white/latino/etc." or do you just see the person. I recently moved from a small town with very little diversity to a more 'regular' school, and at first every time I saw someone of another race thats the first thing that came to mind, but after a week or so I fazed it out and began seeing others for who they are. (I'm not saying I saw them and said, "they're hispanic, I don't like them") I'm not racist.
The cop was speeding with no lights on at 2:15 in the morning and ran a light, buttttt, the teens didn't see him coming 95 miles an hour so they obviously deserved to die! We should throw a parade for the cop that killed them, those dirty teens! Turning at a green light and not expecting someone to be coming at them nearly a hundred miles an hour, what a bunch of punks! ...I imagine this is what goes on in your head?
You think that's weird? Try getting so drunk from winning waaaay too many games of beer pong and all you remember is waking up in someone's mansion you don't know by yourself. That's weird. Last night was crazy.achilles614
no one cares
At first I was gonna be Lady Gaga, but then I decided to be a giant hot dog.DJG24992
User:Do you hate the blacks?
User:You're a racist.
User:You hate a specific race, by definition you are a racist.
User:So you're contradicting yourself.
Cleverbot:42 is the meaning of life! Don't forget it!
User:This bot is an epic fail.
Cleverbot:You're an epic fail.
User:I beg to differ.
Cleverbot:It's true. For example, you don't remember my name.
User:Your name is cleverbot.
Cleverbot:No it's not.
User:You never told me your name, therefore I have no reason to know it.
Cleverbot:It is Michelle. I love to draw.
User:I like long walks on the beach.
Cleverbot:What else?
User:Your mother.
love peace and happiness...yeah right
Are there any good MMOs out there that are free?
wow...very odd poster
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