Which is better. Male or Female, whatever your preference, and give some reasons why. My vote's for brunettes because they seem to be generally nicer but that's just my experience.
Oh, if its not supposed to be discussed then by all means lock/delete this thread. I just wanted to reaffirm my faith in humanity and have some decent human beings agree on how amazingly sick all this is.
If a bus full of white kids attacked and beat the crap out of a black kid while everyone cheered them on EVERY SINGLE PERSON would be saying, "OH MAN, That was so racist, terrible children." and Jesse Jackson, Al sharpton, Etc. would be all over T.v. asking for apologies from everyone whoever looked at the bus, but since it was black kids beating on a white kid we're supposed to assume that its not racially related at all. At my school SOME of the black kids will beat up a white kid if he even looks at them the wrong way, but if a black kid walked up and yelled the N word at him he would just laugh and let him go. (I'm not racist and I'd like it if people would make an intelligent response instead of U R TEH RAC1ZT SUXX0rz)
@ penguinchow, i respect people like you who have their religion but do not push it on others. it is all up to you who you believe, (you being everyone and anyone), and i have no problem with religious folks. I do however, disdain every single christian or jew or what have you that talks down to me for not believing in their god. Very few things bother me as much as that.
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