RipaX21, ok, i agree that Air is lame. Now, while I agree about the monitors, I do think they are some the best made, thus overpriced. While I agree that iMacs are 1200, and similar PC's can be gotten for less, but the PC's you pay less for have a tendency to throw in inferior Ram, drives, MOBO's, etc... I think we can agree on that. Just because specs are similar, doesn't mean the manufacturers of those specs are good. Personally, I'd never buy an iMac, soley because you can't upgrade much. Proud owner of a Mac Pro and MacBook Pro. If you've ever seen the Mac Pro chassis and mobo, you'll know what I'm talking about it. upgradeable to 16gb of Ram, four iSata bays, all with cableless interior. All this creates more airflow, and designed with three separate wind tunnels inside the chassis, create unparalled coolness and quietness. I do agree though that Apple needs to come out with a tower for those people that don't have the money/need to get a supe'd up machine for video editing. I personally wouldnt buy a desktop without a tower, thus the ability to swap out hardware, gpu, etc...
RipaX21, two to three times more expensive? What are you talking about? I used to build PC's and was a PC Tech, if by what you mean is, you pay for a more expensive product because it has superior hardware and software, then I understand. Thanks.
EcksBocks360, do research on an Apple application called Boot Camp. And for third party support, when was the last time you used a Mac? huh? Because there are just as many third party apps on Mac, as there are on Windows. And, if I need to use my inferior windows side, for any reason, I can, because Mac supports the ability to :)
VenomRitual, "limited gaming"? What are you talking about, I install BOOT CAMP (which is developed by Apple) which allows you to install Windows to your Drive. This allows me to play any game at all, in the whole world. And, it's not a virtual machine, it's full on, restart into Windows, to play Fallout and Company of Heroes, etc... all without the worry of a Virus infecting my files on the Mac side. :)
Raventhorn, I love video games, in fact, I'll play Fallout 3, on higher specs, on my Apple machine, than you can play it on your PC, and with less resources. But thanks for your uninformed decision.
Yeah, I agree with "Thisisn'tLeonard". Windows creates these little add-ons that don't contribute to the OS being better. Mac at least creates things like Spaces, Time Machine, Stacks, and Quick Look, all which greatly increase productivity and time. Leopard came out with 300+ innovations in 10.5, and that was just an UPDATE!! It's not even a full release, but apple makes it feel like one. And, the fact that BOOT CAMP rocks any reason why to buy a PC, because you can just install Windows on a Mac Partition, so you can play an game also, and it's been proven to run Windows BETTER than Windows. I used to be a die hard Windows user, until I was forced to buy a Mac for video editing. But, after some getting used to, Leopard pwns Windows.
Jrugh's comments