@Spike1988 @DaTa9192 There's simply no argument to be made that this game is anything less than great. It's a 2012 title that costs $15 brand new and has simple, original gameplay that lasts forever. This game has its own flavor and can't be criticized for something like "not being able to aim down sights". Simplicity is key in this game, that's why CS: Source is still one of the top 10 games on Steam.
@IshantheRocker single player is available but not a campaign mode. you can play all of the game modes and maps with bots, but the real game is online. bots are a great way to practice your aim though, a feature which people often overlook
@Spike1988 @DaTa9192 the game is 8 years old and you say its problem is that its outdated? -_- CS is one of the very few games that are actually original and havent had their gameplay style copied. do you also think that diablo 2 is a stupid game because other games have come out since then?
Jsen's comments