• Jshoelace’s Activity
  • Jshoelace posted a message in the forum topic How the hell did the Xbox ONE sell so much?. on the System Wars board

    I'll probably get one eventually just so I can play Ninja Gaiden Black again. Won't bother with a ps4...will get a a switch for bayo 3.

  • Jshoelace posted a message in the forum topic Mortal Wokebat 11 - Rushed review get dem' clicks = 8. on the System Wars board

    May as well put the controller down and make a cup of tea during those long move sequences. Surely after seeing them once its gonna get boring fast. Mortal Kombat always looks so clunky too.

  • Jshoelace posted a message in the forum topic Playstation exclusives have great gameplay!. on the System Wars board

    @Sushiglutton: which are all copies of games from generations ago. Gameplay is the same. Boring...

  • Jshoelace posted a message in the forum topic Playstation exclusives have great gameplay!. on the System Wars board

    All these games we've played before generations ago. Boring!!

  • Jshoelace posted a message in the forum topic Is DMC V the greatest action game? Can Bayonetta 3 beat it?. on the System Wars board

    I got a bit bored of DMC5, so many boring cut scenes, boring level design, bizarre Kylo Ren type character... the gameplay is good though I'll give it that. I am a huge fan of these types of games bu...

  • Jshoelace posted a message in the forum topic Are you bored of video games?. on the System Wars board

    Yeah I'm pretty much bored myself, have been for a while. I do keep trying to play but nothing feels new anymore. I'm bored of the same old games but different visuals. Fire pro wrestling and parkitek...