Ok, we all know that Dragon age 2 isn't the same game as Dragon age: origins, but is that really a bad thing. I don't think it is. For some reason many people seem to think that DA2 needed to be exactly like DA:O, but they shouldn't be dwelling on the fact that the combat is different, or that you can't equip your party like you could in DA:O. Yes those things are a bit offsetting at first, but if you just give the game a chance before dismissing it just because of those thing, I think that you would be surprised at the depth of game play and story telling that this game has to offer. First of all, the creators of DA2 have given us a game that much like its predecessor, lets you customize the tactics of all the characters you have coming on your adventure. But unlike its predecessor, DA2 offers many more tactic slots, giving you many more ways to make your team your own, and also opening up a depth of strategy that Origins only began to touch. The way that the story was told in DA2 was also an improvement in my opinion. The chooses that you have in Dragon age 2, while at times may seem simple, more times than not have a huge impact on the story, and on the Dragon age universe as a whole. For example *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT* when you talk to Anders and get one of his companion quests, he asks you to distract the enchanted mother in the grand cathedral while he did something that he was unwilling to tell you about. After the quest, it may seems like nothing really happened, but in the last act of the game, it becomes very clear that what you helped Anders do had much more impact on the game, and the dragon age universe, then what you first assumed. While you are trying to settle the Knight Commander's and the First Enchanter's differences, Anders thinks that the only way to stop the Knight Commander from eradicating all the mages in the city is to do something drastic. This is when the companion quest comes into play, as you, the First Enchanter and the Knight Commander are talking, Anders decides that its time to implement his play. "BOOM" the grand cathedral has just blow to bits, and Anders is to blame. As it turns out, what Anders was doing in the grand cathedral was planting a magical bomb that would change the course of the entire dragon age universe *END OF SPOILER*. I don't know about you, but I didn't see that coming. So if you would just give this game a chance, I think that you would be pleasantly surprised at how good it really is (except for the reused environments, I have no idea what they where thinking when they did that).
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