Evening my blog readers (I've decided to do these at least twice a week depending on my circumstances)
If you were perhaps half interested in what I had to say last time and you've come back to read what I have to muse about this week, I thank you for your time. If you've just decided to begin reading from this one, I welcome you to my profile and blog entries that I've begun writing ever since my suspension (see Blog 1 - A change in the winds).
Since I was part way through the topic of "Political Correctness", "Censorship" and "Sugar-coating the truth" and what I meant by all that, I may as well begin this blog with that.
After my suspension, I read over my post again, and the entire topic, and I noticed that the majority of the posts that were deleted, were either
a) Possessing slight racist overtones (when dealing with a topic that catergorises EVERYONE into "races", it is very hard not to have a racist overtone within your post)
b) In DISAGREEMENT with the idea of "Sorry Day".
Now, that second point really irks (annoys) me. Whilst those that were deleted ALL had slight overtones of racism (consider moderations), and some had pure racist remarks as well (definite moderations), ALL that were deleted were the posts that "Disagreed" with the idea of "Apologising".
The reason this annoys me, is because of the idea of "Censorship". As many of the "Pro-Censorship" advocates on here will say: "It is to 'Protect' our society". I decided to just find out what they meant in their meaning of "Protect" so I searched, and only found meanings that pertained to "Defending from attack, being stolen, being injured, or guarding".
With that in mind, I fail to see why we are censoring the VIEWS that are in opposition to the "notion" (which there are many of). The opposing views are not there to attack, steal, injure or damage anything (physically, mentally, spiritually), they are just that...opinions and views on the issue based on a poster's research (we are on a public forum after all). Those that are scathing attacks, should be moderated, those that are in logical disagreement, should be left alone.
So why must we be censored, if in opposition to an ideal?
Therein comes my second point of "Political Correctness". This "movement" of "correcting" everything so that nothing possesses even the slightest hint of "racism, sexism, bigotry, intolerance, dogmatism, and differences of opinion".
Frankly, is getting out of hand.
"Baa Baa____Sheep" (From Black to Rainbow)
"______Penguins" (Fairy to little)
"Chair_____" (Man to person)
Quite frankly, there is no need for it, other than to appease either:
a) The minority who whinge about everything, because their lives are only fulfilled by interfering with the lives of others, and making the other people miserable.
b) A new kind of movement, where everything is sugar-coated, and made out to be lovely and sweet.
Point b, brings up the final issue of "Sugar-coating the truth". Going back to the issue of "Sorry Day", a great many
people felt that the opposition's speech on the day had opened an old wound and said "Things that need not be said".
I'm rather angry at this, since it is through the protest of these Aboriginals, that the governments started to take their "Stolen Generation" seriously and research what they could about it, so they could formulate an appropriate apology.
But in doing so, they found out the harsh reality behind some of these claims, and realised the extent of a required apology. The problem was, that the Aboriginal's "Stolen Generation" whilst a dark day in their history (and in ours should we be deemed "responsible), is one that must be faced full on if an apology is to be given.
But instead, they wanted a "forgive and forget" motto. Give us our apology for an event in our lives, but don't bring up what happened.
That's rather hypocritical in my eyes. It is the Aboriginals who have come forward, opening wounds in "multicultural" Australia, and then demanding an apology for an event that has a status of taboo. Basically...
That's not only a miscarriage with the purpose of an apology (if we don't know the full actions that we are apologising for, then we should not be required to apologise.), but also blinding everyone to believe everything isn't harsh and terrible.
The one-sided, "play-nice, but outright lie" view is the only accepted view, whereas anything that shows a hint of "cold/blunt honesty" is shunned as being mean or even "evil".
I think what society needs is a good hard look at itself, and take a good dose of the "Harshness" that is life. I'm not saying we need to catergorise ourselves according to "skin colour, sex" etc. and treat any catergory as an "inferior". We need to realise the mistakes we've made as a whole society, make the best of the situations we have as individuals, and NOT BLAME OTHERS for the labels/categories that are placed on us. If we of a certain sex, race, creed, belief, then go forward in society with them, and don't go through life, blaming others and taking advantage of others purely because of a supposed "inferior" view.
I suppose I should end my second blog here (I'm beginning to ramble, and I'm going around in circles). I don't want people to believe I'm a racist (I have many friends of many different races), or that the Aboriginals are undeserving as a race (they have endured many hardships, granted).
However, I am against having my taxes being paid out to help Aboriginals who claim to be "affected" by this "stolen generation", who then go out and spend the funds on liquor, sniff petrol, urinate on walls, don't contribute anything in society other than the occasional "Uproar" about Aboriginals getting treated unfairly, and those that blame everyone else for what they've been handed as a PERSON (see A Current Affair, 14/02/08 ).
Step up, and make something with your life (many have), regardless of what you have/are, and be thankful that you've got it.
Now that I've basically finished my musing on this whole affair of "Sorry Day", I welcome any comments or factual criticisms (blunt if need be, sugar coating it makes it pointless if it's a criticism). However, I won't tolerate any illogical abuse, or pure hate posts. As I said, we are on a public forum.
Next week, I'll be starting Uni again (transferred to a new course), so I might muse over the idea of starting out fresh in Uni all over again. Unless some major event makes the news, or a comment is made on this blog about my possibly doing something else that I can do (a review, a commentary on another event, an opinion on a current issue etc.) then I'll see you all next week (hopefully, if I haven't lost you already from these long-winded first posts basically on the topic of my suspension).
I ended my first blog with a great line, and I believe it works well as a concluding statement for all my blogs (A la' Terminator).
"I'll be back".
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