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Jumbocrunch Blog

Smash Bros Brawl

Thats right, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is hitting the shelves in 6 days in North America! Exciting! The newest edition to the smash bros franchise is said to have some 40 odd charachters and a ton of new levels! It features co-op adventure and all out brawl! Make sure that if you havent already to pre-order yourself a copy before they're all gone!

Next Gen

As the graphics for games get better, you need to remember that just because games look good doesn't mean they are good. A lot of good games that have come out recently look amazing but have a crappy story or stupid characters, so always do your research before you spend 70$ on a game and find out it got rated 4.5 out of 10. And never buy Spiderman 3 on the day it came out...