1. Uncharted 3- Wow, the second Uncharted was absolutely amazing I can't wait to get my hands on this title. The only thing I am worried about is that the gameplay engine (while perfect) may feel too similar and be a little stale after a while, but as long as the missions are varied and exciting, this should be a 10/10 game.
2. Shadow of the Colossus/Ico HD remake- I'm a sucker for old games. But this game (I think its real? right?) looks to be a stellar collection. The originals are artistic masterpieces and seeing them in full HD will be a glorious sight indeed.
3. Mass Effect 2 (PS3) - I have never played a Mass Effect game, but all I have heard is greatness associated with each one.
Im kind of a gamer when I find an amazing game, ill play it so many times, like the God of War series, Call of Duty 4, and others. However, I am pretty finnicky because a game like Twilight Princess can be great, but it takes so long to get into it I have other stuff to do before the fun really begins. I'm all for story in games, but it shouldn't hamper the pacing or fun. Overall 2011 looks pretty promising.