I know that i'm not exactly well known or popular and maybe 3 at most will actually read this. That's fine. I just got these thoughts on my mind and i just gotta say something to calm me down a bit, even if know one reads them.
Since about 8th grade or so, i would get these thoughts and flashbacks every christmas. It would be about me when i was younger, like elementry school young. random thoughts about me being a kid in general or around christmas. I was able to sit around and play SNES most of the day if I wanted, as long as the grades in school were good. I was able to do nothing, other than have fun. That's all! No college, no jobs, no.. worrying about the future! My only concerns were about trying to beat a certain game or waiting to see if i would get a N64 for Christmas.
I miss the feeling of being young, the feeling of not needing to be responsible. Yet at the same time, I look back and i hate the thought of me being a kid! Just sitting alone mostly, playing games all day. Not very exciting. Now i still play games of course, but i like technology as whole. I like listening and making music, collecting, making funny videos and reviews, and i'm actually social! i'm actually intelligent ( Or at least i FEEL like I am. ) Life is about moving on, not reliving the past. I just wish that sometimes i could just, be a kid again.
Sorry for the wall of text, I jsut had to get it off my chest.