Dear Devs,
When I say I would like a game with 20+ hours of gameplay I don't mean, make a 6-7 hour long game and then add in a replay function and a "find all the collectables for a new achievement" game.
I mean give me a game with 20+ hours of story, exploration and actual stuff to do, where the game will take me on a journey ideally for a few weeks of my life where I can revel in the land and lore of 'insert land/region'.
I read an article which says 70-80% of people don't 100% complete games, but everyone wants longer game time.... Thats because we generally don't want to run around roof tops to collect bird feathers (for no reason) or run back through an area where I've just shot all of the enemies to find the dog tags of a guy 90% hidden in a pile of trash (for no reason).
That 60% completion that you see me sat with will be the entire story, the main achievements for replaying decision making trees (3x endings) and completing the side quests - that add to the story.
Throw in the fact that games are costing like £45-55. I certainly don't want 6 hours of gameplay and a tonne of filler crap that holds no purpose.