Okay, so shifting off the Team Fortress 2 subject a little bit before going back to it I'm here to announce that I'm finally redeemed. Of what you cry? From playing Halo of course. I admit I've never played any Halo in my life but that's about to change. Today an order I had made arrived home with a brand new copy of Halo 3.
I always postponed the right moment to get this game because I never owned the original Xbox so the two first games are as obscure as the depths of the ocean for me. I know they're both great games that are highly acclaimed by the general public as well as critics but what can I do if I never was able to run Xbox games on my 360? Not much I guess.
I remember seeing something about a re-release for the 360 with improved graphics, at least for the first game I guess. In that case the purist side of me aches, I wish I could play the original game, with outdated graphics and everything untouched, pristine, original. So even if I have the opportunity to play at least one of the games in the series, some obscure part of me taunts that desire and mocks my own existence as someone who experiences the original above all, then whatever came after. I still cant pick Chrono Trigger and any of the Final Fantasy games for the DS because of that.
But still, a part of me tells I'm wasting my time, and if I should experience great games then so be it. I bought Halo 3 like a reckless "I-don't-give-a-damn" kind a guy. And I'm gonna play. Screw plot holes, screw unfamiliar characters, screw that thought, that sinister thought telling me I shouldn't be doing that, it's agaist the rules, at least some rule, that might exist, somewhere deep inside my brain.
I'm gonna play Halo 3. Any time from now, I just need to stop playing Team FOrtess 21, now that's a more serious problem right there...
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