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Happy New Year Everyone

It's 2011, may the new year be a successful one to all of you. Aside from that, there are a couple of games I am looking forward to, primarily Brink. Not much else to say, drop me a message if you want to play online. Also I do have some games on Steam now so if you play certain games on there, again drop me a message or leave a comment. Take care.

Carmine: Live or Die?

This is a very basic question I wanted to ask my friends and anyone interested. Should Carmine live or die in Gears of War 3?

Personally I would like to see him live. It would be nice to see one member of this unlucky family survive to the end of the game. However I feel most fans of Gears will want him dead and this will probably bring a replacement character or a new character to the story after he is killed off. So what should happen and how do you think the story for Gears 3 would pan out?

Again if you want to game sometime, drop me a message.

E3 2010 Predictions and Other Things

Nothing really much to say, if you want to play a game on 360, Wii, or DSwith me, drop me a message on Gamespot with your friendcodes, gamertag, etc.

The second half of this entry is basically what I hope E3 2010 will show, predictions, etc.:

Nintendo: Ever since the 2009 E3 and possibly E3 2008, I see Nintendo's large variety of future titles dwindling. With already a lack of third party support, Nintendo really should start concentrating on their original buyers; the hardcore gamers. It was us that put them on the map, not the casual gaming population that has been the majority of why the Wii has been successful. Don't get me wrong, Nintendo took a bold move when making a motion controler back in 06, but now its luster I sense to dwindle away. What I hope to see is more of Metroid Other M, a possible Starfox game, the Kirby title that was supposed to be released back on the gamecube, and possibly a F-Zero game. Some bonuses if all or any of these predictions are met, perhaps a trailer to the new Zelda game or some more information on Pokemon Black and White. From watching past E3's Nintendo was usually a heavy hitter because of competing with Microsoft and Sony. Now they have lost that momentum. However, it can be regained if Nintendo decides to at least make more hardcore games to bring back there old fans. Otherwise I expect to see more drops in sales during various times of 2010, especially during the drought season of gaming.

Microsoft: With a trailer to Gears 3, a couple of titles being released during the month of May (some good and some bad), and with constantly adding new things to Xbox live Apps, Microsoft has shown very little signs of struggle. The main thing I look to see from Microsoft is more details on project Natal (possibly a price if discussed) and any other popular games they plan to release. I say this because I am not too familiar with what games on the 360 are the most popular. Halo and Final Fantasy are kind of a given, but who knows what Microsoft has planned for this year. Only time will tell.

Sony: As stated in previous discussions of this console war, Sony hasand still is the wild card in the war. By announcing their own motion controller, 3D gaming, and a slimmed down design to their system, Sony started out slow back in the day but has been gaining momentum recently. This is neither a good thing or a bad thing. But with this increase of games and price reductions,Sony now has the opportunity to dish out some interesting games for E3. I would like to see more discussed on the motion control though, to me it looks like a strange Wii remote. Regardless, much like Microsoft, I will be interested to see what they plan to show in terms of future game titles.

Overall: Nintendo needs to start making better games for the hardcore community otherwise declines in Wii sales is a given. I don't see the DS having any issues since there are many games out for the handheld system. Microsoft and Sony need to take their time in developing their own motion controllers/attachments to prevent a loss of money from faulty equipment. In regards to game titles both will show a decent amount.

That concludes my predictions/thoughts on E3 2010. Now all I can do is wait, and hope Nintendo comes out with some good stuff. If not, I have my 360 and the many games I own for it.

No More Heroes 2 & Bioshock 2 Beaten

A couple of weeks ago I got No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle for the Wii. I was very happy that NMH got a sequel and I was looking forward to dive into it. The gameplay was more streamlined than in the original game, bosses varied in difficulty, and you got to play as two other characters in certain parts of the story. Overall it was a good sequel but I don't know what they could do if they made a third one. Whatever Suda51 has planned or if he plans to revitalize any of his other works only time will tell. Onto Bioshock 2. I was able to get the collectors edition of this game. It came with a vinyl record, an art book, in game poster ads, two downloadable characters, and a CD of the Bioshock 2 soundtrack. Bioshock 2 still had that great feel I got when I played the first one. The story I got mixed feelings about. It was cool to be a big daddy and go around with new weapons and being able to combo plasmids. It was also nice to meet more humans who didn't splice up (Ex:Grace, Sinclair, etc.). There was one thing I felt that it was lacking, a true feeling for the protagonist. What I mean is you were in the middle of civil war between Atlas and Ryan. You helping Atlas made you feel like you are part of the action. When you are playing as Delta in B2 you still feel intrigued to know about the character but this time around he feels more stoic. The other thing was I sensed there were less challenging boss splicers and instead they up the power and intellect of the basic enemies, which is a good thing. Despite some story drawbacks it explained more around what happened after the first game, more in depth looks into Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine, and gave us a whole new arsenal to try out against the splicers. The one thing I really liked was Rapture itself. To me it still felt unique walking through the city and also going out onto the sea floor from time to time. In the first game Rapture was already falling apart, in this game Rapture is really collapsing on its own and being reclaimed by the sea. It gave the game a more organic feel instead of always seeing the man made structures surrounding you. Lastly the multiplayer is actually good. There is a small group of characters each with their own backstory and more gets revealed about them as you get higher in rank. The multiplayer itself follows basic FPS style game types, a ranking and perk system like in modern warfare 2, and involves a little more strategy than just running and gunning. Now that I got through the campaign I will go through multiplayer to get the remaining achievements and get the last few achievements in the story mode (almost got through the game without dying once but I got killed by one of those hover robots).

Anyway if you feel like playing Bioshock 2 on 360 with me, drop me a private message here on Gamespot. If you have Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum and if you would like to battle or trade sometime again just drop me a line here on Gamespot.

2010, lots of sequels and new games coming out

It's been awhile since I have been here on Gamespot. I'm rarely on anymore. All I can say is I look forward to the many sequels to some of my favorite gaming series. Bioshock 2, I know the single player story will be good but I hope that the multiplayer is just as refined. Megaman 10, I've been a huge fan of the series and I really look forward to another challenging megaman title. Dead Space 2, when I first played Dead Space it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. It reminded me of the old days when I played some of the original resident evil games. The sense of horror and suspense around every corner definitely got me hooked into this very good game. There are many other games I look forward to playing but there isone on the Wii I have been really looking forward to playing. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. Directed by Suda 51 (the same person who made Killer 7, Sun Flower Rain, Contact, and a few other titles), this game focuses more on revenge and really looks promising. With more fights, different beam katanas, and being able to play as Shinobu and Henry will really make this game stand out in my Wii library. In my opinion as odd or violentas games made by Suda 51 are, he seems to stand with what hardcore or original games used to be.

That basically concludes this entry. If you'd like to play on Live send me a private message or if you want to play on Wi-Fi for the Wii send me your friends codes also through a private message.

Take care everyone, may 2010 be a prospering year.

Going to College

This is a small update. Just wanted everyone to know I am going to college in a few days. I won't be on as much nor for the rest of the week. That's all, take care everyone.

Finally Reached 10,000 Points on my 360 Gamerscore!

Game News:

I finally got to ten thousand points on my gamerscore. Now the next step is to go for twenty thousand. Is this my main goal in playing games on my 360? No, I look at the points as milestones and if certain ones unlock things in the game. To me, getting the unlockables is more important than having a super high gamerscore.

I also started playing this arcade shooter called Cellfactor: Psychokinetic Wars. To me it feels like Timesplitters and Unreal Tournament mixed together. There are three character types to chose from: The Bishop is a female android with full psychokinetic powers. She can also fly and throw multiple objects at enemies. Next is the BlackOp, this character has balanced abilities and has decent psychokinetic powers. He can throw objects just like the Bishop and teleport around the area. Last you have the Guardian, he has no psychokinetic powers but can duel wield any weapons. He also has the ability to do a super jump (jumping extremely high to avoid enemy fire or to reach tough spots) and the super run which makes him temporarily imune to psychokinetic attacks and when running at full speed at an enemy can kill them as well. You can modifiy each of these characters as you play through each of their specific challenges. As you get further you unlock more armor parts. They don't cause you to have any extra defence, just accessories to make your character stand out from the others. There are also special awards which when unlocked can be used to make your character attack more effictively, use less pyschokinetic energy, or provide a little extra stamina. Either way, customize your character to best suit your style of play.

If anyone would like to play against me sometime or join up in a game, contact me. And if you haven't tried the demo yet, give it a look and see if you are interested.

On a side note: Perfect Dark 1 is going to be released this winter and will have online multiplayer!

That's all from me. See you later.

E3 2009 Coverage

I just got through watching parts of each of the companies conferences. So far this console has shifted to two competitors now, Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo is dead to me, their conference was on par with last years. The only thing that I still like about Nintendo is the fact the DS has a nice variety of games in comparison to theWii. I barely even play it anymore. A new mario is good, some other titles were good but the new metroid I'm skeptical about. I'm just sick of it, I missed the old days when Nintendo had some good 1st partygames and some good 3rd party games. But now it seems that the Wii has a ton of 3rd party developers making games for it but the games they make are worthless. Overall theWii will just sit in my room collecting dust.Nintendo, the Wii, and overall 1st party games made by them is a lost cause.

In regards to Microsoft and Sony once again they show off heavy hitting titles and Microsoft's Project Natal caught my eye in particularly. I'm hoping that Sony will lower the price of the PS3 eventually and I hope they contiune to expand the 360's library of games.

What I feel about this console war is what company gives both the most value in their titles as well as come up with the most original games. Graphics aside, the quality of the game is more important.

Been Awhile: A New Entry

Hello again, just wanted to make another entry now that I got some free time. Here is what I have been playing recently.

Wii News:

Recently I got my hands on Marble Saga: Kororinpa and I have to say it is quite challenging compared to the original Marble Mania (not to be confused with Marble Madness). So far I have reached the ice world and the new traps and platforms are becoming more difficult. But the game is challenging and I'll have to see what the balance board levels are like once I get a balance board.

I also downloaded two Wiiware games Onslaught and Snowboard Riot. Snowboard Riot isn't really that great, it only has four levels, four characters, and feels like a Snowboard Kids clone. As for Onslaught however is a lot of fun and for a 10 dollar shooter it isn't half bad. The missions are challenging but I would like to play them with friends. Download Onslaught when you get the chance and maybe we can play sometime.

Xbox 360 News:

Been playing a lot of games on my 360 recently. From Castle Crashers, Rez HD, and many others my 360 has been my main center of gaming for the past couple of months.

That basically wraps up what I want to say, see you later