I think Mel Gibson would have done a better Max Payne. Sure he's a little old, but he's got the rest of the character down, just watch Edge of Darkness and I'm sure you will agree.
Recently, since I'm now unemployed. (Different Circumstances from my norm):D I've been playing a lot of games for hours. One night I played Oblivion for 14 hours straight til my 360 got the 3ROD. I turned it off and let it cool while I slept, turned it back on when I woke up and have never had that problem again. Mostly like 3-8 hours a day, but when I'm working I play about 3 times a week and about 1 hour at a time.
If I was still a kid my parents would never EVER let me play The Darkness. Thank God I'm 21! The game rocks but I would never recommend it to anyone who is devout in their faith and does not want to be exposed to anything immoral. Already I've blown people's heads off, talked to demons, watched someone murder my girlfriend, committed suicide, and gone to hell where people are repeating cycles of suicide over and over while reciting poetry, and I'm only like 4 hours into the game. Hope this answers your question....
The Darkness is awesome. Honestly though, why don't you just rent it. If you have a hollywood video or a blockbuster you can rent it for like 7 bucks, or you could pay like 20 and get unlimited rentals for a month. Rent them both when Two Worlds is out and decide which one you like more. I just started playing the darkness and it is seriously fantastic. But I love games like Oblivion. I borrowed oblvion and like it so much I bought it. You should see if any of your friends have it and borrow it or rent it. If you like it enough to buy then there you go man. It's the safest bet.
A matter of fact, if you look at some of the websites online that fix 360's(outside of Microsoft) you'll see that they actually recommend that you leave it vertical as it prolongs the life of the system. When it is horizontal the system is more prone to heating because the air holes aren't properly ventilated. If you turn it vertical, nearly all of the air holes are exposed and thus ventilation is better. Also, the 360 is extremely loud. My friend has an Samsung ms28 and its not as loud as my dj59 hitachi. A matter of fact it's also quite hot. I've even heard of some people using it as a heater in place of an actual heater. Seriously.
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