Not sure if this sounds awesome to a dude who never played an MMO because it's really awesome .. or because I'm just done watching Sword Art Online which made me swoon for that awesome/completely unreal experience haha
@JodyR since you "SEEM" to be hearing opinions (and I say seem because I know too well it's pretend caring .. unless it's sth that was already intended then you're not going out of your way to change anything .. if it's NOT intended then you'll pretend you listened then provide a counter argument) .. I have just written an editorial that represents how me and a large group of bloggers feel about this comment system .
I know you won't care when our small group leaves this site .. but hey , at least I'll have done all I can do before leaving .
Sorry if this is a bitter comment but I've been here for 3 years and there are some glitches that are even older than that , that were promised to be fixed .. a soapbox that is in "working on it" limbo but not really cause we know you don't care ... and tons of other stuff . So yeah .
I still haven't got the Early Bird emblem even tho I watched the first ToTS , the last ToTs and yesterday , I sat through 2 out of the 3 ToTS episodes that didn't work ..
Crap .. with the time difference , Alarms will be going off in my house at times like 3 in the morning so I can wake up and catch this stuff live ! :shock:
Favorite moments should definitely include killing the ship's captain three freakin' times so far !! :lol: Can't wait to see if we get to kill him one or two more times in GoW III xD ..
Just-Adam's comments