Ok it was my birthday on the 19th and my mum said she will get me a game of my choice and I am not quite sure what I should get. I already have The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Smash Bros: Brawl and Guitar Hero World Tour. The games that I have had in mind are Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop, Alone in the Dark, Manhunt 2, The House of the Dead: Over Kill and Disaster Day of Crisis. I am looking for a game of Action/Adventure and I am not quite sure what game I should get. So I thought I will turn to gamespot and see what other people suggest, and I don't want any stupid My Sims or Job Island I am not interested in any of those games. I can choose a different console but I must make my Wii games grow... So what games do you guys suggest?
Just4TheLolz Blog
It is affical I hate Rap & Techno & love Metal.
by Just4TheLolz on Comments
I was in the music room today (at school) and there is the group who like Meatal then there is the other group. It just seems all the metal heads are unirversialy despised because of their music genre that they like. I have never really being that into music but recently I thought I'd go hang out with the Metal heads and I think that it is awesome. They said that they think Rap, Techno and all that crap should die, and their reasoning for this is because if you think about it Rap is mostly done on the computer for beats,doesn't take much skilland then the singing isn't even singing it is just guys talking fast or slow. Then Techno... There is no way to describe their hate for Techno. The reasoning behind this is that they say it has no skill it is just a bunch of puncy f*gs jumping around sliding a button or two. Then they showed me Metal I liked it because it has normal singing and grung in it and the music had complex to it. So then they showed me some Metal riffs on the bass (I am a bass player) and I have to say doing Metal riffs is so much more satasfing then doing any other music I have done. It is also very convenet because there is only two bass players in the school and the other bass player is already in three bands so now I am in a Metal band. We jammed for a bit and I am now slowly turning into a Metal head. But then there is also the try hard Metal heads they just say obvious names (like slayer, slipknot, trivium, etc no doudt they are awesome though) and they are so annoying I tried talking to one of them but they thought because they listento Metal more then me they are so F**king awesome... Plus with rap you can't really dance to it I know head banging isn't much of dancing but it is a lot of fun to do, also you get all the "YO YO I AM THE TOP S**T" people with Rap and I must say I want them all to step on a rusty nail and fall and hit their head on a convinitly place arrow then get up run around screaming and get hit by a bus. So I am now a Metal head...
The bands that I like most of all are: SlipKnot, Hammer Fall, Maximum the Hormone (the guys for Death Note theme song), System of a Down, Trivium and God Smack
School Is Back Tommorow F**K
by Just4TheLolz on Comments
I have some terrible news for gaming people like me who live in melbourne.... SCHOOL IS BACK TOMMOROW :evil: . Now I have to drag myself in the morning eat some god damn berakfast that I don't feel like eating and it will probaly spill out of my mouth as I go to eat more 'cause I am too tired to notice anything. Then I have to ride my bike to school hopefully a out of control truck full of games tips and for some odd reason the princeapel decided to jump through a window and died. So I can stay home protending that I cared about the princeapell and stay at home playing all those games that fell out of the truck. But then again what are the cances of that happening so i am going to have listen to the teachers rant on and on about crap that I all ready know. Then I am probaly going to chuck the **** and bag the nuff nuff in my grade Retard because he doen't have to do any work because he is SPECIEL. Then I am going to want to shuve a rusty nail 3 inches into to his eye and watch him scwerm. Just incase you haven't noticed I don't like school because I am in year 9 and the nuff nuff in my grade doesn't know how to spell smoke or flames (I learnt that when we had to do a story about the bush fires). While the rest of the grade works hard he is just off in his own world reading or drawing and then he gets to pass. Then the girls in my grade aren't too bright (only 3 out of 7 of them are smart) so we are then yet again to learn something again that I knew since 4th grade. Then there is the guys (I'm one lol) we are the level we should be but the nuff nuff and a short fat blond kid (he looks like a sheep) can't do jack S**T. Plus I get introuble for calling my grade the degenrits of the school(we are actually the smart group in year 9not a lot of people are smart). So I then thought it is either I am the smart level I am supposed to be and they are just pure dumb or I am above the level I am supposed to be and they are average. But then after a day of dealing with stuff that frustrates me because I already know it and nuff nuffs doing nothing all day then dumb people I have to ride home on my old bike (and I live 1 & half hours away on bike) so I am waiting for the day it breakes so I have to walk home. I AM REALLY NOT LOOKING FOWARD TO SCHOOL!!!
2 Weeks ago I hated the Wii but now I love the Wii
by Just4TheLolz on Comments
Just a few weeks ago I was over at a friends and she had the Wii (I didn't make up my mind about the Wii yet) and I played her games and I felt like killing myself after playing the Wii. Then a week after that my mum bought a Wii home and I died a little bit inside that day, but then I thought I will give it one more shot at it (we only got Shun White Snowboarding: Road Trip and Wii Sports) and I felt like curling up into a ball and never seeing that god damn Wii again. Then I went to another friends and they gave me a list of Wii games that I should get and they were The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop, Disaster Day of Crisis, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Alone in the Dark, Dead Space: Extraction (coming soon), The House of the Dead Overkill, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (coming soon), Manhunt 2and Star Wars: Force Unleashed. I have only played a few of those games and I now like the Wii, with some of the games I like the idea of normal controls and numchuck to move around but I love it how you use the Wii remote to aim the guns/weapons. Also I like the on-rail shooter games but only want one or two because I don't wantall of Wii games like arcad gamesI might as well as go toTime Zone ifI want that. The Wii is now my favirote console now but we need more gun games more action/adventure games like I listed above. I am now proud to say I love the Wii and that little bit that died inside of me a few weeks ago is now revived and I am REALLY looking forward for Dead Space: Extraction and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
A Stupid Thought While Watching T.V.
by Just4TheLolz on Comments
A few night ago I was watching one of those shows where the cops bust people for high speed chases and crap like that I saw that there was a van full of people, and they all scatered out at once (from birds eye view it looked funny). So I had a thought whereimagining if all those people ran out naked and if there were like 30 people. It would so confusing to people watching and the cops and imagining seeing from birds eye view 30 naked people all at once running out of a van scattering into different directions. Do you think that would be stupid andfunny or just plain stupid?
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