Don't understand all the fan boys on either side of the military shooter spectrum. They require such different gameplay tactics as well as overall mechanics it's hard for me to bunch them like that. Hell, they don't even use the same type of servers... But I do lol at remarks dishing on cod for being repetitive then turning around, self righteously stating that they're getting Assassin's Creed which I'm SICK to death of...IMO let's beat some more dead horses, shall we? While I'm here.. I disagree with the idea of Battlefield being a 'simulator'. It's much closer(Since it has vehicles?) but faaaar from it. I haven't gotten my hands on Red River, but OP: Dragon Rising? The short bit I had it for? Now THAT is a simulator. Body parts never heal completely, guns jam...the maps are HUGE and it's kinda scary :( MW3 will certainly not bethe greatest ever, however; it'll be pretty damn good considering it'll do rings around any game you put it against in sales... and that speaks far louder then a few neigh sayers. Yeesh.
Lol this thread became a madden bashing thread. Anyways, Battlefield Bad Company 2 goty is like $30...has all the dlc and should run strong for at least another year or so with competitive multi. Borderlands has a goty edition out as well that was on sale at quite a few places for $20 in the last few months... has cooperative multi. Fallout 3, again goty, maybe $30? No multi but with all the dlcs and you like it has 60+ hours of good game play.
Enslaved was a fun little action game, 8 hours of game play I think? If you like fps, Borderlands is a good one and you can find game of the year edition for a very good price. Metro 2033 and Alan Wake are also VERY good games, though I keep getting stuck in Metro ;/.. If you're looking for games to pour your life into the above poster outlines the western side of the rpg genre well... though if you didn't like mass effect I'm skeptical you'd like Dragon Age.
My back log is embarrassingly large to be completely honest...But Red Dead is fun, especially after a break(I needed one too) it was like a breathe of fresh air on the 2nd try. I LOVED chopping the legs and arms off necromorphs and enduring the amazing atmosphere and cheap scares of Dead Space, one of my fave games. The rest? Little harder to get into IMO.
Beast mode is tricky around wave 4 and 5 for most teams I've played with :( The rest is actually cake imo. Beat it with a full squad awhile back, first Onyx :D. But I think it could be doable with 3 or 4 GOOD players. But I agree, def do it on checkout...not stuck running across a giant map looking for the damn cog. I'd be willing to help whenever, I think I could recruit a friend as well if necessary :) GT: Brawllistic
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